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How to Get Rid of Cellulite at Home

How to get rid of cellulite at home

Cellulite is the bane of over 85% of all women on the face of the earth. In simple terms, it is the accumulation of free floating fat cells in the thighs, legs, arms and buttocks of most women. It typically affects women above the age of thirty, though younger women may be affected depending on their genetic predisposition and lifestyle. The following factors predispose you to getting cellulite: slow metabolism rate, unhealthy diet and poor circulation possibly due to obesity, dehydration and lack of exercise. The good news is that there are many natural home solutions to this problem, including:

Dry brushing

One of the simplest and cheapest methods of attempting to get rid of cellulite at home is dry brushing. The rationale for this method is that by stimulating good blood flow and lymph flow towards the heart, you will be able to systemically get rid of the accumulated free fatty fat cells using the body’s own systems. Care should be taken to ensure that you brush starting from the legs upwards towards the heart. The brush should not be wet and the brushing should be light to avoid irritating the skin too much. There is no scientific evidence pointing to the efficacy of this method. However, due to its simplicity, getting a dry brush and trying it out would not harm you in any way. The bristles of the brush should be natural and not as stiff as some synthetic brushes are.

Gelatin consumption

Composed of glycine and proline (amino acids), gelatin plays a role in weight regulation which limits the amount of fat that can be stored in the body. It can be found in the bones, fibrous tissues and organs of animals. Some of the health benefits of gelatin include supporting good skin, hair and nail growth, tightening loose skin and improving digestion. All these benefits will go into reducing cellulite levels at home.

A connective tissue massage

Also referred to as a myofascial massage, this is a procedure carried out by therapists that serves to smooth fascial planes in your body. Fascia is a layer of connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscle and the organs underneath. Imbalances and adhesions in fascia can create a good environment for the deposition of free fat cells, which will lead to cellulite formation. A deep tissue roller can act as a replacement for the connective tissue massage, as the end result will be the same.

Using coffee scrubs

In this method of reducing cellulite, you will mix ground coffee with sugar and coconut oil to create a paste that can be applied on the skin under pressure. It is thought that the caffeine in the coffee scrub paste will lead to tightening of the skin as well as the stimulation of blood and lymph flow.

Use of moisturizers

Keeping your skin and body hydrated will be more advantageous in your goal of reducing cellulite at home than living in a near state of dehydration. Skin moisturizers such as coconut oil will prevent your skin from drying up completely.

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