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How to Treat Your Pets Tear Stains


How to treat your Pets Tear Stains

There a number of possible causes of tear stains in pets. Stains, especially in dogs, tend to be reddish in color and emit a bad smell. Learning to understand the health condition of your pet is very important. Possible causes include eye or ear infections, genetic predisposition; infection due to yeast or it could be drinking water that contains high mineral content. Similar symptoms can also be seen if your pet has its ear ducts blocked or is suffering from certain allergies.

If the condition looks severe, it is advisable to seek advice from a professional pet groomer near you or better still, you should consult the nearest veterinarian. They will be able to identify possible causes and recommend appropriate medication. Note that extra eyelashes may curl and begin rubbing on the pet’s eye. If you discover that the problem is due to irritation or infection in the ear; then it is possible your pet is ailing from something that’s much deeper inside the body. In dogs, for instance, eye stains may be an indication of multiple issues that has to do with the overall health of your pet. If indeed you find that the ears are infected, let your vet know of it so he/she can prescribe proper medication such as antibiotics.

Managing pet’s tear stains

If you own a pet at home, it is customary to provide the right amount of foodstuff which should be of high quality as well. Ensure that your pet’s food does not contain high levels of sugar content, salt or chemical preservatives. Consider giving your dog canned foods that offer optimum nutritional value.

Your next concern is to address the kind of liquid you give to your pet. Tap water, for instance, may contain a number of minerals that might not augur well with your pet. It is known that high presence of copper and iron in drinking water do cause tear stains in your pet. In order to avoid mineral water, try using distilled water instead.

Numerous products are available in the market today; each of which claiming to offer the best solution for pet eye stains. Most of the products contain certain percentage of antibiotics. Unless you are dealing with a specific condition that you aware of, it would be advisable to discuss with your vet about extended medication which you may not have control over. Different pets react differently to antibiotics.

Using Natural Remedies

There are two, easily implementable home remedies to your pet’s eye stains. This is the way to do it:

  • Add one teaspoonful of vinegar to your pet’s bowl of water. Keep on adding little drops until your pet is able to react to the taste. The purpose of adding vinegar is to alter the PH level of the water.
  • Add a ½ teaspoonful of cream cheese to your pet’s meal daily. This should clear tear stains in a couple of weeks.

It is always advisable to check with your veterinarian so as to rule out issues such as allergies or other infections that may be responsible for eye stains on your pet.

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