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Changing your Diet after a Heart Attack

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Changing your Diet after a Heart Attack

A heart attack can be a hard thing to go through. A first attack might not be too severe in most cases. The people who recover from a heart attack can live a normal life. Well, there are a few little tweaks to be done to the lifestyle and the diet, though.

Why should you change your diet after a heart attack?

A heart attack occurs when a section of the artery that carries blood to the heart is blocked. This block prevents the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart. This means that a section of the muscles in the heart are deprived of oxygen. These muscles start dying out in case the block isn’t treated in the initial stages. That is why the heart becomes sensitive after a heart attack.

Cholesterol is primarily one of the substances that form a plaque in the coronary artery. When the plaque ruptures, there is a blood clot formed at that place. This clot is what blocks the artery when it is a big one.

The excess cholesterol comes from the diet. This is primarily the reason why one is advised to revise once diet strictly, after a heart attack. Changing your diet can avoid the occurrence of a second attack.

What to eat after recovery from a heart attack?

The first thing to change after recovering from a heart attack is to plan a healthy diet. The diet should be healthy and free of bad fats. Unsaturated fats and fatty acids are healthy fats that can be included in the diet to regulate the normal health of the heart. Saturated fats and trans fats are the ones that should be avoided. Here are a few things to do after a heart attack:

  • Include more of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet
  • Eat food which is preferably steamed, baked or poached.
  • Include fish and protein rich food items in your diet.
  • Consume a diet that has a healthy mix of whole grains, seeds, and nuts.
  • Include foods that are rich in good carbs and fiber.
  • Drink enough water.

What not to eat?

The idea here is to cut down any food that is rich in bad fats. These are the foods that increase the blood cholesterol levels:

  • Meat
  • Fried food items.
  • Food that has trans fats.
  • Processed food.
  • Junk food.
  • Packaged food.
  • Sodas and carbonated drinks that are rich in sweeteners.

Things to do besides changing the diet:

Besides devising a healthy diet plan, have a healthy lifestyle, on the whole, to avoid risking another attack. Stop smoking and the consumption of alcohol. Focus on attaining a healthy weight. Higher BMI values increase the chances of excess fats and cholesterol in the body.

Treat diabetes, thyroid disorders or any other ailments that can increase the severity of heart damage. Reduce stress and hypertension. Focus on following a regular fitness regime. Making an overall change in the lifestyle and habits is essential to avoid a second attack. The heart muscles are already weak after the first heart attack. That is exactly why another attack can be riskier.

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