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What Is Hair Fall?

What Is Hair Fall?

Hair fall is commonly referred to as losing one’s hair. Whether your hair is thinning, you are finding bald patches, or are experiencing standard male pattern baldness, there are various reasons for this happening and multiple ways to stop or reverse the damage. Nobody likes hair fall, and many try a wide variety of products and procedures to regain their lush head of hair. This article will explain some of the things you can do on your own before contacting a doctor for help.

What Causes Hair Fall?

The five main causes of losing your hair are aging, hormonal imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiency, or disorder. Other reasons can include an allergy to a hair care products or shampoo, certain prescription medications, chemotherapy and other medical treatments, and psychological disorders such as trichotillomania in which the patient pulls out his or her own hair.

For the vast majority of people, aging, hormones, stress, and nutrition cause hair fall and can also be dealt with and helped in order to stop it.

If the hair fall is associated with burning and itching of the scalp, you may have an allergy. If you have recently changed any products or started a new medication that should be considered of primary concern.

How Can You Stop Hair Fall?

No one can truly reverse aging, but maintaining optimum health as you get older helps keep your hair healthy longer. In most cases, the hair loss associated with aging also has to do with nutrition, stress, and hormones. If all of those things are in line, you will be less likely to have thinning hair or male pattern baldness as you age.

Hormones, including testosterone and estrogen levels, have a lot to do with how thick your hair is. Another common problem is the hormones created by your thyroid. If this gland is not operating correctly, you develop hypothyroidism. This causes hair fall in most cases. Luckily, it can easily be treated with hormone replacement and medication prescribed by your doctor.

Stress can cause hair loss either directly or because stress often interferes with other processes in the body that maintain optimum health. For example, stress is almost always associated with inflammation, which can increase the chances of your hair falling out in new hair growing as quickly. Tried to reduce stress in your life, practice meditation or mindfulness, and get some exercise.

Poor nutrition also contributes to hair fall and is probably one of the easiest ways to deal with it. A diet with too much sugar and simple carbohydrates messes with blood glucose levels, which can affect hair growth. Also, getting enough protein helps the keratin that your hair is made up of grow stronger. Vitamins D, B, and iron are also quite helpful to prevent hair fall.

Thousands of people struggle with hair fall and the embarrassment it can cause. No one wants to look older due to baldness or thinning hair. Using the proper products, getting hormone levels checked, and adopting healthy nutrition can all help prevent and reverse this issue.

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