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Are Microdermabrasion Treatments Expensive?

Are Microdermabrasion Treatments Expensive?

Microdermabrasion treatment referred to a non-chemical or non-invasive cosmetic procedure in which a spray of microcrystals is used to rejuvenate a dry, dead and damaged skin cells by removing its outermost layer. The procedure helps to restore the younger appearance of the skin giving it a smooth and healthy looking appearance. Microdermabrasion also contributes to the level of collagen and elastin production which in turn help promote the growth of new layer of skin cell providing further improvement of the skin appearance.

Lots of factors we faced daily have contributed to the damages of our skin which includes aging and over exposed to environmental elements. Microdermabrasion is a treatment that can help remove or reduce skin damages like, facial lines, extreme sunburns, scars, wrinkles, age or dark spots, pigmentation and some other undesired skin damages.

Factor influencing the cost of microdermabrasion treatments

The cost of Microdermabrasion treatment can’t exactly be mentioned because it is greatly influenced by several factors which include the city or country where the procedure is done, the body area you want to be treated and the extent to which you needed the treatment. The cost of the machine used is also a factor and sometimes the exact location of treatment, be it the spa, salon, clinic or home service is a factor to be considered. Microdermabrasion treatment is usually costly in big cities when compared with the price at rural regions. The cost of the procedure can also be influenced by the person who performed the treatment. Microdermabrasion treatment performed by a dermatologist and plastic surgeons are usually more costly because they prescribe more expensive microdermabrasion treatment procedures. Aesthetician offers a lower price for microdermabrasion treatment, you can also get cheaper treatment at a spa or beauty salon.

Multiple treatment sessions

For most people, microdermabrasion treatment is usually a one-time treatment and an improvement is achieved on the skin. However, a greater result can be achieved through multiple sessions of this treatment. Aestheticians and dermatologist often encouraged their patients to take up multiple microdermabrasion treatments for about two to three weeks. The cost of each session is a considerable factor if you are planning multiple treatments. However, most beauty salons, spa, and dermatologist usually advertise the price of a single session, while there are some that give out a special price package (low price) for patients who want multiple sessions.

Some patients with a specific skin type or condition may have no choice but to undergo multiple treatments. It is recommended for patients with delicate skin problem or condition to seek treatment from an experienced cosmetic dermatologist. This set of dermatologist may charge you more but you should know your skin health is more important.

Post-treatment cost

Even after you have undergone microdermabrasion treatment, sometimes you may have to add up some additional cost of purchasing moisturizer and other cosmetic product that may be recommended to help maintain your skin.

Compared to other forms of skin treatment, microdermabrasion is known to be relatively cheap. It is advisable when going for microdermabrasion treatments to ask for a full package of multiple sessions. This will allow you to enjoy the discount price offered in multiple sessions by some of the treatment providers.

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