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How to Keep your Scalp Healthy

How to Keep your Scalp Healthy

Healthy, shiny, bouncy hair is the goal of many women who always want to look their best. The healthiest hair starts with your scalp. Besides affecting hair growth, the scalp can also have unpleasant problems of its own. These include dry, itchy scalp and dandruff. Learn how to keep your scalp healthy in the most natural way possible to prevent all of these and other issues.

What Causes Scalp Problems?

Multiple things can cause an unhealthy scalp. These range from over processing to allergens in hair products to fungal infections to conditions like psoriasis and eczema. Figuring out what is causing your particular scalp problem usually focuses on the symptoms that you see.

If you see white flakes of skin, also called dandruff, you may have anything from dry scalp to psoriasis. If redness and itchiness are the main complaints, an allergy or dermatitis may be the culprit. Red bumps or pustules could be acne or folliculitis, which is an inflammation or infection of hair follicles.

Although a trip to the dermatologist may be ideal for some scalp problems, general home care can help alleviate many of the uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms.

Great Home Habits for a Healthy Scalp

A healthy scalp starts with good nutrition like most things in your body. Eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water brings your body into balance. For dry scalp or itchiness, supplementing with Omega 3s may provide some relief. Topical treatments of rich conditioners or home remedies like eggs, mayonnaise, and coconut oil can stop the flaking.

The scalp is a piece of skin just like all the others. Proper washing and care are essential if you wish to avoid scalp problems. When using your shampoo, massage your scalp as well to get it completely clean. Consider applying conditioner to your scalp or the hair near it instead of just at the ends. While some women avoid this for fear of having greasy hair sooner, a healthy scalp is important too.

Limit the number of products and processing you subject your scalp to. This means staying away from hair dye, bleach, and hot treatments as much as possible. Even your daily blast with a high-temperature hairdryer can affect the health of your scalp and lead to problems like dandruff.

Scalp massage is another option to keep this skin healthy and functioning correctly. Although you can purchase manufactured scalp massagers, your fingertips can do a great job as well. Rub gently over the entire surface of your scalp on a regular basis. Using a round-tipped brush from your scalp to the ends of your hair can also help improve circulation and allow for regular oil production. Regular care also helps remove unsightly flakes of dry skin.

Over-the-counter medicated shampoos and scalp treatments should be considered if dandruff or another scalp problem persists. These frequently alleviate symptoms and leave you feeling fresher, cleaner, and more confident.

For the worst scalp problems, contacting a dermatologist is your best bet. There may be something going on that requires more extensive treatment or medication.

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