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What Works Best on Scars ?

What Works Best on Scars

There are several options out there that have shown success when it comes to reducing the look and feel of scars. These options are available in treatments that are performed by a professional and then products that can be purchased without a doctor’s knowledge or professional help. These would be considered cosmetic topical products like gels, serums, creams, oils and pads.

Scar treatment options include:

Laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and cryosurgery. However, these are performed in a spa or Dermatology office by an individual who has been trained and practiced these treatments before.

Treatment approaches are often expensive because they can cost hundreds of dollars and a series of treatments are needed in order to achieve maximum results. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars, you can look for a more affordable approach that can still offer visible results in a few months.

Products like scar creams and scar gels are effective as well when comprised of a high quality ingredient formula. Products that contain 100% silicone are suggested for use, as the ingredient silicone when undiluted is highly safe and effective when it comes to minimizing the look of scars. You can look for silicone products on the web. Be sure to review the ingredient list to make sure no added ingredients are in the formula. Also, you can find silicone scar gels that retail for less than $50 online and come in a one month supply. Use the product as directed in order to achieve maximum results and to reduce negative side effects from happening.

Silicone scar sheets are a new invention that has had success in minimizing the look of scars. They can be cut to your scar type and can adhere to almost all areas of the body that have been affected by a scar. These sheets can be found online, but make sure the product contains 100% silicone based ingredients as silicone when undiluted has been shown effective. The good thing about a sheet is that it can be worn under garments and offers comforting characteristics. Also, most of the sheets are stretchable and do not leave an odor.

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