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Will my skin peel after a Glycolic peel?

Will my skin peel after a Glycolic peel?

Glycolic peel or chemical peel can help rejuvenate your skin. The glycolic acid in glycolic peels can act on various skin conditions like aging, scars, acne and more. Compared to the other chemical peel treatments, the glycolic peel is milder. It also has a shorter healing time.

The procedure:

  • On the cleansed skin, the glycolic peel is applied
  • It is massaged and left on the on the skin for a few minutes
  • The peel is then cleansed off the skin
  • A moisturizer with SPF is then applied on the treated skin

In most cases, glycolic peel treatments would involve 6 sessions one per week. But you would be able to notice a lot of difference right from the first session. You could choose the frequency and the number of sessions based on your skin type in consultation with your dermatologist.

How it feels:

  • The peel might make it feel prickly and might give a mild stinging sensation.
  • There might also be reddening of the skin being treated
  • The first 2 or 3 days after the peel, the skin might have a glow
  • Slowly, after the 4th day or so, the old, dead skin cells begin to flake and fall off.
  • Skin might appear dry
  • The glycolic peel removes the outer layer of dead cells. Your skin would be sensitive during this time. Never step out in the sun without a sunscreen and a moisturizer.

Who can opt for a glycolic peel?

Ideally, glycolic peel doesn’t have many side effects. Anyone can opt for a glycolic peel. But if you are under any specific medication, confirm with your dermatologist before you proceed. Glycolic peel might also not be recommended for people with kidney related disorders. They might go for other similar skin treatments under their doctor’s recommendation.

Glycolic peel mainly works on uneven skin tones, pigmentation, dullness and fine lines or wrinkles.

Caring for the skin after a glycolic peel:

  • When your skin starts to flake and peel, do not keep touching it. Do not try to peel off the flaky skin. This might scar your skin or lead to infections.
  • In most cases, the glycolic peel is much milder than the other chemical peels. If there is reddening or discomfort, try using a cold compress to relieve the distress. If it still continues or the irritation aggravates, check with your dermatologist.
  • Avoid stepping out in the sun. It takes about two weeks for the skin to completely recover after a glycolic peel. Dermatologists might recommend to not expose your treated skin to sunlight till it fully heals. Even if it is not a sunny day, use a sunscreen. Exposure to the sun can cause leave the treated skin with spots and reddening.
  • Two days after the peel, you could start cleansing your face twice daily. Use a mild cleanser free of harsh chemicals or irritants.
  • Moisturize your skin. The glycolic peel can leave your skin feeling dry when it starts peeling off. Use a moisturizer free of anti-acne or anti-aging chemicals.

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