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What Causes Allergies

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What Causes Allergies

It is not yet known why some people react differently to different substances. It has, however, been proven that people who are predisposed to allergies have their children reacting in the same way when exposed to similar substances. It is, however, interesting to note that a child does not necessarily get affected or react to the same allergen in the same way as the parent does.

Allergens can access to your body via different means one of which is through breathing. Other ways include contact, food, or through injection. Once they enter the body, the body reacts in a defensive manner because it regards it as a harmful intruder. Immediately, the body’s immune system gets triggered to produce combat chemicals such as histamine plus other defensive mechanisms. The body would react in the same manner in future in case of recurrence.


  • Airborne allergies: Certain irritants such as pollen, dust, mold, mites or even fear of animals. The hardest allergens to fight off are those which are airborne because they are all around us. For instance, flowers, trees, shrubs, and grass have their pollen released into the air all the time especially during Summer and Spring seasons.
  • Contact: Latex is one among many substances which when touched or rubbed on the skin causes an allergic reaction. Commonly used products made from latex include gloves, balloons and rubber bands. The body’s immune system is very sensitive to natural rubber and the immediate physical symptoms include running nose, itchy throat and sneezing.
  • Foodstuff: There are certain foods that can cause allergies in some people. Examples include shellfish, wheat, milk, tree nuts, soy, and peanuts. Proteins available in these foods are the responsible ingredients that cause allergy. Note that proteins are not easily broken down during cooking or by enzymes in the body’s digestive system and as such, they help trigger allergic reactions from within the body. Symptoms arising out of food allergy include nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
  • Medication: Reaction to certain medication is not uncommon. Penicillin is one such drug that most people are allergic to. Many antibiotics that are penicillin based also cause similar allergic symptoms. Painkillers such as morphine and codeine also find themselves in the list. Common allergies associated with painkillers range from simple rashes to more complicated ones that may affect vital body organs.
  • Insects: Some insects have venom, so any bite or sting by such insects would cause allergic reactions in some people. Honey bees are such good example including wasps and ants. These insects have special sac inside their tails that contain dangerous venom and once disturbed or threatened, they inject the venom into their victim through the tail.

In some cases, though not common, some people might experience a very dangerous allergic reaction known as Anaphylactic shock. The victim might become unconscious, feel dizzy, or find difficulty in breathing. It can be fatal, though in rare cases. Such allergies require immediate attention by a medical practitioner.

Once a condition of allergy is detected, quick action is required and every effort made to restore the health of the person concerned.

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