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Can you Regrow Your Hairline


Many people suffer from an obvious receding hairline, and whether male or female it can be embarrassing. Re-growing your hairline can make you feel more attractive and younger, the good news is there is more than one way to do it.

What Is A Receding Hairline?

It’s a progressive type of hair loss, and it affects both men and women. It typically occurs either side of the forehead, though it can appear on the top of the head.


For traditional treatments, your first step would be to visit the dermatologist. They may suggest topical creams, hair plugs, or other treatments. These can be expensive and can have side effects. Additionally, the results may not meet your expectations. Alternatively, you can treat that hairline at home with natural remedies like hair masks, shampoos, and conditioners.

Can My Hairline Regrow Naturally?

Most people are under the impression that the only way to regrow is through traditional treatments. You don’t have to rely on painful, expensive treatments, though.

Home Remedies

Massaging your scalp with key oils can help generate new growth. The most popular and successful oil for this is castor oil, combined with a small amount of essential lemon oil. Mix it before applying it to the area of your hair you wish to regrow.

Alternatively, you can create a hair mask using coconut milk, lime juice and fresh avocado. Mix just a quarter cup of coconut milk, around 5 drops of lime juice and a fresh mashed avocado and apply the mask to the affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes before washing it off and patting the area dry.

Lifestyle Changes

How you take care of yourself can have an effect on what goes on with your body. If you eat a healthy and nutritious, balanced diet then it shows. Your hair is shinier and thicker, while poor diet has an impact on hair, nails, and skin. Aim to eat healthily and exercise for half an hour 5-6 times a week.

Additionally, a daily dose of fish oil can boost hair health. You can take it as a pill supplement and it can be found in most supermarkets and drugstores. It is packed with omega-3 fatty acids that promote the healthy growth of hair, nails, and teeth. It also provides a healthy boost to cardiovascular health.

Change Your Routine

You may be brushing your hair too often or too aggressively. If you comb your hair backwards it could cause hair to fall out. If you’re struggling with a receding hairline, keep your brushing to just once a day.

Avoid hair products that contain toxins and harsh chemicals. Stop bleaching and/or dying your hair, this weakens hairs and leads to splitting and falling out- especially at your hairline.

Use silk pillowcases. It reduces friction and improves hair health, which may help reduce your hair loss.
You don’t have to live with a receding hairline if you don’t want to, nor do you have to spend a fortune to regain your lost youth.

Types of Female Hair Loss

Types of Female Hair Loss

Both male and female experience hair loss due to a factor or the other, while hair loss in male is mostly caused by dihydrotestosterone(DHT) and the condition is so common that it is considered normal for men. Severe hair loss can be a devastating experience for female, the hair loss can be due to a number of reasons, but in any case, hair loss is a condition all female try as hard as possible to avoid.

The medical name for excessive or abnormal hair loss in female is called alopecia. The reason for abnormal hair loss in female can be due to lots of reasons, from environment to genetic, to disease. No matter the cause, excessive hair loss is always a sign that something is not working right your body.

Some of the most common types of hair loss in female include:

Androgenetic Alopecia

This is the most common type of hair loss in women, this condition is also known as androgenic or female pattern balding (FPB). This type of hair loss is caused by the action of androgens or male hormones that are present in a small amount in female such as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The reason for this condition can be tied to a variety of factors including taking high androgen index birth control pills, menopause, and pregnancy.

Telogen Effluvium

This hair loss condition is trigged by traumatic situation major surgery or child birth, but can also occur when the body goes through health condition like severe infection or malnutrition. Telogen Effluvium is generally a diffuse loss if hair that affects most part all over the scalp. Extreme stress is one of the causes of this condition.

Alopecia Areata

This is a condition caused by an inappropriate inflammatory reaction which is believed to be a symptom of an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorder occurs when a person’s immune system start attacking the roots of hair follicles. This hair loss condition may result in patchy shedding of hair and may leave smooth bald spots on the scalp. Alopecia Areata is, however, a temporary condition, patients do recover their hair within two years.

Traction Alopecia

This is another cause of hair loss in women; this hair loss condition is caused by localized trauma to the hair follicles which always occur from tight hairstyles that pull at the hair over time. The will regrow in time if the condition is detected early enough and the hairstyle is discontinued. Some of the common hairstyles that can cause Traction Alopecia include tight ponytails, Braiding, cornrows and hair extensions.

Anagen Effluvium

This is also a diffuse loss of hair which occur after any insult to the hair follicle which affects its metabolic activity or cellular-level mitotic. This hair loss condition is commonly associated with chemotherapy and can result in loss of almost all the hair. Hair growth most always returns to normal after time.


Hair loss in women is a serious condition, the first step to treatment is to know and understand the cause of the hair loss. There are many factors that may trigger hair loss in female. Some of this hair loss may be a short-term event such as pregnancy, stress, disease or medication. In some of the condition, hair may grow back to normal with or without proper treatment. If you notice any form of hair loss, it is recommended to see your doctor for proper evaluation, especially when the hair loss comes with other discomforts.

Types of Hair Loss in Men

Types of Hair Loss in Men

Everybody has experienced hair in the drain of the shower or the occasional stray on our pillow. This is normal and not a cause for alarm. However, there are forms of alopecia, the scientific name for what is more widely known as hair loss, that strike fear in the hears of men everywhere.

Androgenic Alopecia

The unmistakable receding hairline and hair thinning that is a trademark of male pattern baldness affects 66% of men by the age of 35. Also known as androgenic alopecia, male pattern baldness is a genetic condition which can also affect women and is the most common cause of hair loss.

Androgenic alopecia can start for some men as early as their 20s. If you don’t suffer from male pattern baldness, you could be forgiven for thinking that the hair just falls out and doesn’t grow again. Indeed, this is a common misconception. If you have experienced it first hand, you likely know that the hair becomes thinner first then eventually falls out and doesn’t grow back.

For men who don’t suffer from male pattern baldness, if a hair naturally falls out it is likely replaced by an identical hair which grows in its place. However, for sufferers of male pattern baldness, when that hair naturally falls out it is replaced by a thinner and weaker hair. This continues until finally the follicle dies and ceases to produce new hairs.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is characterized by circular spots of baldness on the scalp. It may be a single circular shape of baldness or it could be several. Some men experience on a level which results in a complete loss of hair and can therefore be mistaken as male pattern baldness.

T cells, also known as lymphocytes, surround a hair follicle and attack mistakenly believing the follicle to be a threat to the body. There are two types of alopecia areata: scarring alopecia, which results in a loss of the hair follicle and is therefore irreversible, and nonscarring alopecia in which the follicle is preserved and hair can begin to grow again.

Like androgenic alopecia, it is believed that alopecia areata is a genetic disease. Though there are treatment options, a doctor will like recommend a period of observation before prescribing a treatment because the hair loss can often suddenly stop after which the hair grows back.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is not considered alopecia because it is not hair loss though it can look and feel like it. To understand this condition, you must first understand the three phases of hair growth: anagen or active hair growth, catagen or transitional hair growth, and telogen, a resting phase after which the hair falls out and anagen begins again.

Because any of the hairs on our heads can be in the three phases at any time, telogen effluvium occurs when there are more hairs on your head that are in the telogen phase than there are hairs in the anagen phase. These hairs will have either stopped growing or are falling out. It is temporary and can result from stress or a hormonal imbalance.

Drinking and Smoking Linked to Hair Loss

Drinking and Smoking Linked to Hair Loss

There are many reasons that an individual may experience hair loss. Balding is most prevalent among aging individuals, but other factors may also contribute, such as stress, genetics, and possible health conditions. Being rough with the hair and damaging it may also escalate the issue. Two other lifestyle choices linked to hair loss are drinking and smoking. Although genes have been found to play the most important role in balding, other environmental or lifestyle choices, especially smoking and drinking, are also of high importance.

Alcohol and smoking affect hair loss in different ways. Dehydration is the primary way which alcohol may increase balding. Hair follicles need to stay hydrated in order to be healthy and strong, and alcohol dehydrates the entire body. Aside from this, alcohol also expels many nutrients in the body. Hair growth requires a variety of these nutrients, and thus isn’t able to grow and replenish like it usually would. As a result, the hair can become both brittle and dry. Obviously dry, brittle hair is more likely to break or fall out, resulting in a thinner head of hair. Zinc and iron are sapped from the body with the intake of alcohol. Both of these minerals are vital to the body and hair. Iron deficiency has been linked to telogen effluvium which is a condition in which balding and aging happen prematurely.

Obviously smoking has been connected to a variety of health conditions. It is also linked to hair loss and damaged hair because cigarette smoking can be very damaging to the cells throughout the body. This is due to the thousands of destructive chemicals contained in even one cigarette. Both smoking and drinking are capable of dehydrating the cells in the body. This again has the same result—hair loss and thinning. Hair is strongly affected by the monoxide and nicotine which exist in cigarettes. Carbon monoxide makes it more difficult for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body, whereas nicotine makes it more difficult for the body to pump blood. Together these chemicals reduce the amount of oxygen that makes its way to hair follicles through the blood. Oxygen is important for healthy hairs and expels free radicals. One study even found that those living in more highly polluted areas tend to experience more hair loss.

There have been multiple studies revolving around smoking and drinking and the connection which they have with hair loss. The evidence stands to reason that the link does exist in both men and women. The most clear solution to these problems is to stop smoking and moderate drinking. These two lifestyle changes will have a positive effect on hair loss and stop contributing to the problem. There may still be other components at play which lead to hair loss, such as genetics, but there are many natural remedies which may help to reverse the effects of this issue. It is suggested to use Aloe Vera gel, herbs, and vitamins in order to combat hair loss. This along with quitting smoking and drinking will result in a much healthier head of hair.

Tips to keep your Hair from Thinning

Tips to keep your Hair from Thinning

Hair thinning is a problem that should be addressed both in men and women. If not treated in the early stages, it might eventually lead to baldness on aging. Here are a few ways that you can treat your hair and prevent hair fall and hair thinning:

Avoid styling it too often:

One of the main reasons why hair fall increases is because of using too many styling products and chemicals on your hair. Application of heat is another culprit. Skip the straightening iron and curling rod as much as possible. Straightening and curling involve direct application of heat on the hair. This leads to hair fall.

Blow dry with caution:

Blow drying, if not done right, can cause a lot of hair fall. Avoid blow drying often. Use the lowest heat settings. The ideal way to dry your hair is to wick away excess moisture with a soft towel. Then let it air dry for a while. After that, use the blow dryer at the minimum heat settings. Evenly distribute the heat.

Do not tie it tight:

A ponytail might be a versatile hairstyle. But do not tie your hair up too tight. Switch to looser braids or other hairstyles that do not tense your hair too much. When your hair strands are under tension most of the time, they tend to break and fall.

Massage with oil:

Oil massage besides relieving stress can help make your hair healthy and strong. Massage with warm coconut oil or olive oil into your scalp and wash your hair after a few minutes. This will help strengthen your hair follicles. This can prevent further hair fall.

Brush your hair, but not too often:

Regular brushing of the hair is essential. This can help detangle your hair and prevent knotting and falling of the hair. But do not overdo it. Do not brush your hair when it is wet. Wet hair is weaker and tends to fall easily. So brushing wet hair can lead to hair fall.

Moisturize your hair:

Never skip the conditioner. Use conditioner on your hair every time you shampoo. But when you use the conditioner, avoid using it on the scalp. Conditioner can help retain the moisture in the hair. Using a lightweight conditioner after you shampoo can avoid hair turning brittle and dry.

Invest on a good shampoo:

Choose a mild shampoo that suits your hair type. Make sure that you choose a shampoo that does not have too many chemicals. Also, avoid washing your hair too often. Invest on a good quality shampoo that is mild and cleans your hair well. Avoid using too much shampoo.

Hair fall might be due to a lot of reasons. To avoid hair thinning, identify the cause for your hair fall and address the underlying issue. Eat healthy so that your hair remains strong from the inside. Use a hairbrush that is gentle and keep it clean. Avoid roughly wringing your hair with a towel when it is wet. These are few ways in which you can avoid thinning of the hair.

Top Causes of Early Balding

Top Causes of Early Balding

For the most part, hair loss has been associated with aging. People who take baldness with positive attitude will still handsome even when they lose their hair at early age. Causes for loss of hair are many and varied especially among the men fork. Most cases of baldness can be traced back along hereditary lineage whereas some loss hair due to pressure at workplaces, stressful work schedule, poor hair care approach, hormonal changes and many other unfavorable conditions. Although losing about 200 hair strands daily is considered normal, anything above that would require intervention. In this day and age, the number of ways to replace lost hair is infinite.

Natural Solutions

Many men would confess with absolute confidentiality that natural remedial options are the way to go in solving hair loss problems. For one, they are safe to use, have no side effects and can be obtained easily. Furthermore, the natural remedies are effective and less expensive compared to conventional medicine.

Daily Hair Care

Create a do-it-yourself hair oil consisting of equal proportions of coconut oil, castor oil, almond oil, olive and rosemary oil. Onto this mixture, add reasonable amount of bright-yellow nettle root. Nettle has since been known to revamp weak hair and help it grow again. Other ingredients in the mix help to catalyze the process of hair growth. Warming the mixture before applying on your hair works best to open up pores for faster absorption. Daily care hair routine is important and you should avoid yanking your hair vigorously especially immediately after washing.


Lack of vitamins A and E contribute a lot to hair loss in men. You reckon that vitamin A is responsible for aiding in the production of sebum which is essential for healthy hair growth in the scalp. Presence of vitamin E helps to facilitate efficient circulation of blood thereby rejuvenating hair follicles. Lack of vitamin-rich foodstuff in your diet is another contributor to hair loss.


Sebum plays a big role in the growth of healthy hair and as such, the Presence of vitamin A is essential as it helps to stimulate its production in the scalp. On the other hand, vitamin E aids in facilitating efficient blood circulation. It is advisable to incorporate foods that contain plenty of vitamins.

Head massage

Trained experts usually know the areas where to concentrate on while carrying out scalp massage. Weekly scalp massage can help ease pressure and increase blood circulation around the area. This encourages faster hair growth.


Regular exercising, trimming your hair when it’s due, and following a regimen that’s rich in protein all add up to promote hair growth.


You can do better to help your hair grow by practicing yoga or meditation a couple of times every week. This would reinstate hormonal imbalance and by so doing help your hair to grow.

Hair products

The marketplace is awash with numerous hair products some of which are not authentic. Although every product claims to have the solution to hair loss, not all of them can offer the desired solution. It is advisable to read product reviews from people who have actually used the product or get advice from a professional.

Braids, Weaves and Hair Loss

Braids, Weaves and Hair Loss

There are numerous reasons why people lose hair. Some of the factors include chemotherapy, radiation, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, some medication, stress, exposure to harmful chemicals and so on. Most of the causes mentioned are temporal while few can have long term effects. Some of the common contributors to hair loss are outlined hereunder.

Hormonal Characteristics

Different hormones function differently as in some do promote hair growth while others cause hair to deplete. Hormonal imbalance can in many ways impact the growth or loss of hair both in men and women.


Hair thinning occurs in men following a specific pattern, usually from near the forehead receding toward the crown. On the other hand, thinning in women tend to occur randomly around the head. It is caused by Dihydrotestosterone (DH. All of us have DHT produced in our bodies yet not everyone suffer hair loss.

The other reason is that there are follicles which harbor a lot of Androgen receptors to which DHT tend to attach itself to and this is the element that is passed on from one generation to the other by way of genes. Up to now, one of the most effective methods to prevent hair loss due to DHT is to apply anti-Androgen medication.


It is commonplace for women to lose hair after giving birth. This is due to the simultaneous entry of individual hair strands entering the telogen or resting phase. Most women realize this after two or three months after delivering their babies. A woman may continue to lose excessive hair six months after delivering. Hormonal fluctuation is responsible for this type of condition. However, the condition resolves completely on its own thereafter once the hormones stabilize after pregnancy.

Control pills

Some women may be genetically vulnerable to attacks from Androgenic Alopecia which is something that can occur to someone who is much younger. Such occurrence at an early age is precipitated by one using birth control pills. The effect caused by these pills goes to trigger a hormonal imbalance in the body, subsequently giving rise to Androgenic Alopecia.


Children including adults at times play around with their hair by either pulling or twisting it. There are many reasons why people do that but some can be attributed to habitual problems that people do unconsciously. If not checked, it may lead to hair loss due to stretch and stress on the hair. Such cases are best handled by a qualified health practitioner.

Hair Styling

Many people fancy different hairstyles every so often and by so doing, they apply chemicals, relaxers, bleaches, strengtheners, permanent weaves etc. Hair damage can be minimal if you use authenticated products with a proven reputation. However, if you apply chemicals even the right ones too often, you are bound to weaken your hair. Remember, when applying any type of hair treatment chemicals, timing is very crucial. Any slight overstay of chemicals on your hair can lead to devastating results.

Braids and Weaves

Many people like to braid their hair or weave it. However, braids that are tightly wrapped or tightly woven hair tend to break up due to constant strain exerted on the hair follicles. This may cause permanent hair loss if it is extended for a certain period of time.

What is Androgenetic Alopecia?

What is Androgenetic Alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is a typical type of male pattern baldness in both men and ladies. In men, this condition is otherwise called male-design hair loss. Hair is lost in a very much characterized design, starting above both sanctuaries. After some time, the hairline subsides to frame a trademark “M” shape. Hair additionally diminishes at the crown (close to the highest point of the head), regularly advancing to halfway or complete hairlessness.

The example of male pattern baldness in ladies contrasts from male-design hairlessness. In ladies, the hair gets to be more slender everywhere throughout the head, and the hairline does not subside. Androgenetic alopecia in ladies once in a while prompts all out sparseness.

Androgenetic alopecia in men has been connected with a few other medicinal conditions including coronary illness and extension of the prostate. Furthermore, prostate disease, issue of insulin resistance, (for example, diabetes and heftiness), and (hypertension) have been identified with androgenetic alopecia. In ladies, this type of male pattern baldness is connected with an expanded danger of polycystic ovary disorder (PCOS). PCOS is described by a hormonal awkwardness that can prompt unpredictable feminine cycle, skin break out, overabundance hair somewhere else on the body (hirsutism), and weight pick up.

Androgenetic alopecia is an incessant reason for male pattern baldness in both men and ladies. This type of male pattern baldness influences an expected 50 million men and 30 million ladies in the United States. Androgenetic alopecia can begin as ahead of schedule as a man’s adolescents and danger increments with age; more than 50 percent of men over age 50 have some level of male pattern baldness. In ladies, balding is in all likelihood after menopause.

An assortment of hereditary and natural components likely assume a part in creating androgenetic alopecia. Despite the fact that analysts are concentrating on danger figures that may add to this condition, the vast majority of these variables stay obscure. Specialists have discovered that this type of male pattern baldness is identified with hormones called androgens, especially an androgen called dihydrotestosterone. Androgens are essential for typical male sexual improvement before birth and amid adolescence. Androgens additionally have other imperative capacities in both guys and females, for example, directing hair development and sex drive.

Hair development starts under the skin in structures called follicles. Every strand of hair regularly develops for 2 to 6 years, goes into a resting stage for a while, and afterward drops out. The cycle begins once again when the follicle starts growing another hair. Expanded levels of androgens in hair follicles can prompt a shorter cycle of hair development and the development of shorter and more slender strands of hair. Also, there is a postponement in the development of new hair to supplant strands that are shed.

In spite of the fact that specialists suspect that few qualities assume a part in androgenetic alopecia, varieties in one and only quality, AR, have been affirmed in experimental studies. The AR quality gives directions to making a protein called an androgen receptor. Androgen receptors permit the body to react properly to dihydrotestosterone and different androgens. Thinks about propose that varieties in the AR quality lead to expanded movement of androgen receptors in hair follicles. It stays indistinct, in any case, how these hereditary changes increment the danger of male pattern baldness in men and ladies with androgenetic alopecia.

Analysts keep on investigating the association between androgenetic alopecia and other therapeutic conditions, for example, coronary illness and prostate disease in men and polycystic ovary disorder in ladies. They trust that some of these disarranges might be connected with lifted androgen levels, which may disclose why they have a tendency to happen with androgen-related male pattern baldness. Other hormonal, ecological, and hereditary variables that have not been distinguished likewise might be included.

Top causes of balding in men

Top causes of balding in men

The first signs of balding can be scary to say the least. It conjures of feelings of denial, insecurity and apprehension all in one. Initially you start to question whether it may be a sign of bad health. You start to wonder if it will get worse, what people will think. Balding, especially at a young age can be extremely disheartening; however before you distress, take a minute to consider what might be the cause of your balding.

  • Stress – This should come as no surprise that stress has been shown to cause hair loss in men. Often times we underestimate the impact that stress has on the body. Physical and psychological stress can change the way the stress mediators (or hormones) respond which can lead to shedding of the hair. Although the link between stress and hair loss has not yet fully been understood, it is clear that stress can have long term effects that can result in hair loss.
  • Family history – By and large one of the major cause of hair loss in men is genes. Most males have a condition known as male pattern baldness that has been passed down from their family. Your family history can also play a role in determining the severity of the hair loss, the pattern of hair loss and also the rate at which your experience hair loss. The truth of the matter is that if baldness has affected other persons in your family, chances are it will affect you.
  • Medical Condition or treatment – persons who suffer from certain medical conditions have been shown to suffer from hair loss. If you suffer from an auto immune disease like diabetes or arthritis this can cause hair loss. Persons who suffer from hair pulling disorder are unable to resist pulling the hair which can lead to hair loss. Treatments for some illness such as chemotherapy have been shown to cause mild to severe cases of hair loss as well.
  • Medicine– If persons are on treatments for certain illnesses it is possible that the side effects of the drug may result in hair loss. For example drugs prescribed from arthritis, cancer depressions, heart problems or blood pressure can cause men to experiences baldness. There are addition medicines like anti thyroid treatments, anti-coagulants, beta blockers or anti convulsants that can cause the hair to shed. If you are currently taking medication it may be worth asking your doctor to see if this may be the reason for your hair loss.
  • Nutrient Deficient – although less common, not having a well-balanced, nutritious diet can cause hair loss. If your bod does not have the proper nutrients mainly iron, Vitamin b12 or protein you may suffer from hair loss. Most notably being low in iron causes hair loss as it reduces the amount of red blood cells in the body, which are crucial in providing oxygen to different parts of the body. Therefore deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can results in hair loss over time.

There are several reasons why you may be experiencing baldness. In some cases it can be due to a physiological or mental problem. The first step to understanding what may be causing baldness is to take a look at your life and make note of any unusual or out of the ordinary changes that may have occurred. Consider whether there have been any severe changes in health or mental state that may have triggered the onset of baldness. It is important to take a minute to consult with your general care practitioner to learn more about the options available to you.

What Magic Vitamins Could Improve Your Hair Health

What Magic Vitamins Could Improve Your Hair Health

As we know vitamins are good for maintaining health in the body, basically from head to toe, inside and out. Healthy hair is just one area of the body which can see improved health thanks to the use of certain vitamins. If you want hair that is stronger, thicker, and healthier, vitamins may be able to provide the nourishment needed. There are a range of vitamins which may prove to help hair health, but there are a few which could have a more powerful effect than others.

Vitamins belonging to the B-complex group are often mentioned as having substantial benefits to hair health. Biotin is among the top, most raved about vitamins which is capable of promoting stronger hair. Biotin is sometimes called Vitamin H. It helps to keep hair more hydrated and also increases the elasticity. This protects the hair from breaking and becoming brittle. Biotin rebuilds damaged hair shingles. Aside from this, Biotin also produces keratin, and keratin is very important for healthy hair. It isn’t often that people find themselves with a deficiency of Biotin, but some signs include dermatological issues, chronic conjunctivitis, and hair loss.

Biotin can be found in brown rice, green peas, bulgur, oats, lentils, and brewer’s yeast. Most other B-complex vitamins thrive in legumes, avocados, nuts, soybeans, eggs, poultry, beef liver, dark-leafy greens, carrots, cauliflower, and whole grains. It is suggested to always get hair vitamins from food before taking supplements and to check out the daily recommended intake for different vitamins. Other B-complex vitamins that are good for hair include Niacin, pantothenic acid or Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B-12 or Cobalamin.

Vitamin B5 stimulates hair growth by supporting the adrenal glands. It can also help to prevent gray hair and hair loss which is age-related. It has been said that B5 can strengthen hair cells and hair follicles. It can even help to eliminate the presence of dead skin, and this gives new hair a chance to grow.

Another important vitamin for hair growth is Vitamin D. Evidence even suggests that it can create new hair follicles and obviously this would help you to get a fuller head of hair. It could also revive dormant hair follicles. Hair loss has been connected with low levels of Vitamin D, and supplementation could be the answer for some people. Vitamin D deficiency is also very common especially in the United States. The best way to get Vitamin D is sunlight, but it needn’t be too much or too long. Just sitting in the sun for 10-15 minutes a day should be sufficient to give your body enough of this vitamin. It may be applied in topical form or ingested from certain foods such as portabella and maitake mushrooms, swordfish, whitefish, salmon, eel, and halibut.

There are other vitamins as well as minerals which have been reported as helping the hair to be stronger, healthier, and thicker. Other possibilities include Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Inositol, Iron, Vitamin C, Zinc, and fish oil.

Things You Should Avoid if You Are a Man Going Bald

Things You Should Avoid if You Are a Man Going Bald

There are a variety of reasons men start to go bald. Often times it is due to genetics, and baldness is hereditary. Other causes could be at play, too, such as nutritional disorders, fungal conditions, or other health issues. As men get older the chances of hair loss increase. There are many options for men who are balding, such as wigs, weaves, rogaine, and hair transplants. Aside from these possibilities there are also other things a man can avoid doing in order to prevent further baldness and protect the hair.

Most men do not need to wash their hair every day. Hair products like conditioner and shampoo can actually damage hair if used too frequently. You can still shower and even wet and soak the hair without actually washing it with any hair products. This should keep the hair healthier.

Avoid drying your hair roughly when you get out of the shower. Most men don’t think about it much but serious damage can be caused to the hair from vigorous rubbing with a towel. Not only can it prevent new hair from sprouting up it can also break off hairs that are weak or fine. It is suggested to use a cloth that is very soft, and to gently pat the hair dry rather than rubbing it.

Don’t over-brush or comb hair. Many people are perfectionists and like to ensure that every last hair is perfectly in place. It is suggested that you try to use a comb or brush that is gentle and doesn’t put a lot of stress on the hair. What is even better is to use your hands in order to shape your hairstyle, if it is possible to do so. Rather than force your hair against its natural growth pattern, it is much better to groom and work with your hair the way it naturally grows. For some people this might even mean getting a different hairstyle or cut, but it will most likely be worth it, as it will be better for the hair and even likely improve the appearance.

If you are a man who is experiencing balding, then avoiding stress is another very important factor. Stress wreaks havoc on many functions of the body, and it can be very bad for the hair. Regardless, stress is never fun anyway. Try to find healthier, better ways to manage stress and it certainly won’t hurt your hair.

Be wary about things which will naturally stress your hair, and possibly create more damage, such as ponytails, braids, bandannas, and even hats. It is tempting to wear a hat when you are going bald in order to cover up the appearance, but it isn’t a good idea. Stress on the scalp and hair may lead to more hair loss, so it is best to avoid hats which directly contact the hair.

Your diet may also be contributing to hair loss, so avoid eating just anything and start putting some thought into the nutrients you are getting. Good, nutritious food, and a balanced diet can help to strengthen your hair. Vitamins and other dietary supplements may also prove to help you keep more of your hair and make it stronger and able to grow faster.

Why are some men bald at an early age?

Why are some men bald at an early age

You might wonder as to why some men and teens are bald at very younger ages and why some are not. There may be thousands of reasons behind this and some of the reasons or causes why some men start balding at an early age of their lives unlike the others can be over thinking, mental stress, aging, hormone reactions, emotional and physical shocks. Here are some causes of baldness in young men and some solution that are available for you to try to stop or prevent baldness.

The main reason and the most common cause for balding is the hair loss cause as a result of the change in the hormones of men. Dihydrotestosterone which is also an androgen is a product of the male hormone testosterone and is the root cause of permanent hair loss in 95% of the cases. The percentage of DHT in men is relatively higher than women and that is the reason why men suffer hair loss more than that of women. DHT blocks the hair cells from receiving the necessary nutrients and proteins thus thinning and damaging the healthiness of the hair which results in permanent and patterned hair loss.

Another reason for balding at young age would be the condition known as Alopecia Areata. Here the hair loss happens in patches and can be due to the overreaction of immune system attacking its own cells. These conditions may pass hereditary and can cause due to higher stress levels and viral infections too. Stress is a part of your life but excessive stress can damage your health causing many health related problems. According to hair experts, excessive stress is a potential trigger to hair loss and thus stress management is vital.

Poor nutrition can also lead to hair loss. Having a balanced diet including essential vitamins and proteins is important for the maintenance of a healthy skin and a hair. Having a balanced diet ensures a proper supply of proteins, minerals and vitamins for hair follicles and cells. A healthy diet also helps to the development and production of Dihydrotestosterone which is also known as DHT that plays a major role in patterned baldness in men.

Smoking can also lead to baldness. Oxygen rich blood cells in the scalp is essential for a good hair. Smoking can reduce the oxygen levels in the blood to a greater extent and can increase the carbon monoxide levels that can damage the hair follicles. Thus extensive addiction to smoking can be also a reason for balding at a very young age.

Cosmetic procedures and also result in balding. Shampooing too often, hair dyeing, hair bleaching can also contribute to hair thinning and hair fall. It is recommended to go for the best brands if you are using these cosmetics and excessive use of hair gel and hair cream might also trigger hair loss and baldness at young ages. Therefore keep an open eye when using these cosmetic that can also damage your hair and give rise to many health related problems.

What is Minoxidil?

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is one of the best medications and products out there for hair loss. It is considered one of the best products available for hair growth. It can reduce your hair loss and re-activates and accelerate hair growth. However this can work on some people while it will not on some. This totally depends on the body conditions that vary from one another and thus it may work on some and not work on some. Minoxidil as stated above is widely used for hair treatments of hair loss and hair damage. It helps in the regrowth process of the damaged hair in both men and women. According to the reports Minoxidil has helped about 40% of the users promoting hair growth after the use of about 3 to 6 months. Minoxidil can help the existing hair follicles and maintain and promote hair regrowth nourishing the hair follicles.

However there can be many side effects following the use of Minoxidil, however some are common. Some of the side effects are burning or irritation of the eye, extensive itching on the applied areas as well as unwanted and unexpected hair growth elsewhere of your body. Minoxidil can be harmful for use if the patient is under allergy and viral flue conditions. Therefore ensure that you are well fit and healthy before you use this amazing product that can also harm you if you are not ready to use it.

Minoxidil can be considered as a potassium channel opener that improves hyperpolarization of the cell membranes and hair follicles acting against the hair loss and hair fall. Hyperpolarization can widen the blood vessels and it can also open the potassium channels allowing oxygen and blood flow to the hair follicles. This can help to thicken the hair and fight against the hair loss. However Minoxidil is less effective when the area of hair loss is large and considerable. It can be a good medication for early stages of hair loss and patterned hair fall in men but it is proven that it is not the best as a remedy for hair loss for extremely and extensively bald people.

If you are experiencing hair loss you just need to apply Minoxidil twice daily repeatedly until you experience the results. Minoxidil can be used indefinitely for continued support of the regrowth of your hair. For the best results the solution of Minoxidil should be in contact with the scalp for a minimum of 4 hours. Keep your hair short and make sure that the Minoxidil solution can contact the scalp well and give you results as expected. This can activate the hair follicles and helps in the hair regrowth process. Minoxidil application can be done in three ways that is in the form of dropper, foam and spray. And the spray solution is the most effective of all. However once you have the spray it is recommended to massage your scalp for better results and faster regrowth.

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair as they age?

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair as they age

Men tend to lose hair with increasing age. However, the pattern of losing hair varies from person to person. While in some men the loss is hardly noticeable, in others, it becomes quite noticeable due to the severity of loss of hair or its occurrence at a younger age.

It is important to note that the hair loss in men occurs in a few particular areas of the scalp. This relative loss at each of the areas determines the pattern of hair loss progression of other areas of the scalp.

  • Balding in the temple area begins at the frontal part of the hairline and keeps moving backward. All men experience this to some extent during their transition from an adolescent to an adult. Only less than 5% men have been found to retain a straight frontal hairline as seen among the young boys. Normally the hair loss is mild in this area. But, some men have been found to develop a receding hairline that often precedes hair loss in some other areas of the scalp with passing years.
  • Balding on the crown begins around the region of the whorl (back of our head) and then starts spreading outwards in all the directions resulting in a circular type of baldness. Another type of balding starts at a smaller region of the scalp, known as “6 o’clock border”.
  • The diffused type of thinning occurs at the mid-frontal part of the scalp which widens the central part-line. Generally, Asian men suffer from this type of balding.

It is fascinating to know that the balding spreads from one hair follicle to the other without skipping any area. This eventually results in bitemporal recession producing an expanding triangle (of balding) over each area of the temple without leaving a single follicle of the affected region. The same thing happens over the region of the vertex as well.

From this observation, one might conclude that some kind of balding chemical is moving from follicle to follicle, but interestingly, there is no such chemical identified in human bodies. It happens mainly because of hair miniaturization that is programmed into the DNA of hair follicle.

There is another pattern of losing hair, which is invisible; it produces thinning of hair that precedes the process of balding. This is commonly known as androgenetic alopecia. It first causes shrinking of the secondary hair so that only 1 terminal hair is produced by the follicular units instead of a tuft of hair. When the last fiber forming the tuft vanishes, the bald spot becomes visible.

Even after the 50 % reduction in hair volume, no bald spot can be noticed in human beings. Being less observant and having shorter hair, most men might not notice their hair loss until an explicit bald spot develops. The factor controlling the progression of hair loss has been found to be genetic and epigenetic.

While there are certain regions of the scalp that experiences baldness, there are also some zones which do not suffer from hair loss, such as occipital scalp (or back of our head). This has made baldness optional for men. Through hair transplantation surgery, hair from the back portion of the head can be borrowed to fill the gaps on the frontal part of the head.

Preventing thе Dаmаgе from Hаіr Irоnѕ

Preventing thе Dаmаgе from Hаіr Irоnѕ

Snар, сrасklе, рор аrеn’t еxасtlу the ѕоundѕ you wаnt tо hеаr in the bаthrооm еѕресіаllу whіlе hеаt ѕtуlіng your hair. Unfоrtunаtеlу, еxсеѕѕіvе hеаt dаmаgе саn tаkе a tоll on уоur hаіr leaving bеhіnd lасkluѕtеr curls, fried еndѕ аnd раrсhеd ѕtrаndѕ. But no nееd tо frеt, уоu wоn’t have tо реrmаnеntlу rеtіrе your bеlоvеd flаtіrоn, сurlіng іrоn оr blow-dryer thаnkѕ to a fеw expert pointers. Whо knows, уоu might еvеn bе аblе to bring bасk your dеlісаtе fоllісlеѕ to thеіr glоrу dауѕ.

Dесірhеr Yоur Dаmаgе

Sоmе of thе tеlltаlе signs оf hеаt dаmаgе іnсludе split ends, hаіr brеаkаgе, hіgh porosity, оr hаіr that іѕ ѕеvеrеlу drу аnd/оr brіttlе. Although these [issues] саn come ѕресіfісаllу frоm hеаt dаmаgе, they’re аlѕо juѕt general ѕіgnѕ оf mismanaged hаіr. Other tеlltаlе signs? An іnсrеаѕе іn frіzz соnсеntrаtеd аt thе еndѕ оr lоwеr роrtіоn оf thе hаіr ѕhаft.

The Mоѕt Dangerous Weapon

Flat іrоnѕ that hаvе mеtаl plates or fixed hеаt temperatures—plus thоѕе not mаdе wіth ceramic or tіtаnіum wіll саuѕе thе most damage. Blоw dryers аrе nеxt [on thе list] if they dоn’t hаvе ionic or moisture maintenance tесhnоlоgу tо рrоtесt the hair.

Most hаіr tооlѕ dоn’t gо аbоvе 450 dеgrееѕ, but each person hаѕ a unique hair tеxturе which аffесtѕ thе tеmреrаturе аt which tools should bе uѕеd. Tурісаllу іf a реrѕоn hаѕ fіnе, thіn hair, they ѕhоuld ѕеlесt a сооlеr tеmреrаturе below 360 dеgrееѕ. Thоѕе with mеdіum hаіr thісknеѕѕ [аѕѕumіng hаіr іѕn’t extremely dry or oily] ѕhоuld ѕеlесt a tеmреrаturе аrоund 360 tо 380 degrees. Thісkеr оr соurѕе hair will require higher temperatures оf 360 tо 410 dеgrееѕ at tіmеѕ.

As ѕоmеоnе wіth hair that ѕоrt оf hаѕ a mіnd of іtѕ оwn, I gеt thе allure оf рісkіng uр thе flаt iron аnd ѕhоwіng уоur strands whо’ѕ really boss. But thе ѕіmрlе асt оf hаіr straightening “саn wrеаk hаvос on thе соndіtіоn of your hаіr іf thеу are uѕеd tоо оftеn оr іnсоrrесtlу.

Bеуоnd a straw-like tеxturе, straightening wіth too muсh hеаt саn lеаd tо brеаkаgе оr worse, hаіr loss! Yоu hеаrd that rіght. It’ѕ possible to lоѕе hаіr іn big сlumрѕ bесаuѕе of the ѕtуlе уоu’rе trying tо рut іntо іt. If уоu notice оvеr time that уоur hаіr isn’t аѕ thісk as іt оnсе was when it’s аіr drіеd, thаt’ѕ a really gооd indication уоur hаіr іѕ оvеr-wоrkеd аnd needs a break frоm аll оf thе heat.

It’s easy tо fоrgеt that flat іrоnѕ аnd blow drуеrѕ саn bе bаd for уоur hair because thеу аrе sold іn ѕuсh mаѕѕ quantities, but іt іѕ true. Make ѕurе уоu’rе gеttіng a gооd straightener wіthоut hеаt ѕріkеѕ, аnd dоn’t lеаvе іt оn your hаіr for tоо lоng. It’ѕ bеttеr tо tаkе a few quick раѕѕеѕ thаn оnе that іѕ too ѕlоw tо begin with. Cоnѕіѕtеnt hеаt оn a ѕіnglе сlumр оf hаіr can brеаk іt rіght off іn ways thаt you probably dіdn’t realize.

Keep Yоur Tеxturе In Mіnd

Evеrуоnе uѕеѕ hаіr tооlѕ dіffеrеntlу, depending on the lооk they want tо achieve and thе tуре оf hаіr they hаvе. Sоmе реорlе uѕе hоt tооlѕ daily bесаuѕе they wаѕh thеіr hair every day, while оthеrѕ just uѕе hоt tools to tоuсh-uр stray ѕtrаndѕ.

How to Prevent Hair Shedding; The Early Sign of Hair Loss

How to Prevent Hair Shedding

Male pattern baldness in men is ordinary, influencing around 1 in 3 by the age of 30. It's generally a hereditary condition which implies sparseness has been the destiny of most men as of not long ago. In any case, with advances in medicinal examination, male example hairlessness can nowadays be forestalled on the off chance that it is tended to in the ahead of schedule to mid-stages, and it is completely workable for men to even re-develop lost hair with the right treatment. Early Signs of Baldness A subsiding hairline is frequently a detectable characteristic of male pattern baldness, yet some level of diminishing at the sanctuary district is typical as men age. It might even begin to retreat in the young person years, yet a developing hairline is not generally an early indication of hairlessness. The Norwood Scale is the most perceived measure of the movement of male example hairlessness. In case you're hairline is at Class 2, you're at the typical stage. Yet, it could be an indication that more male pattern baldness is in store if you're developing hairline advances to a Class 3. This is when most masters prescribe that you look for exhortation if male pattern baldness is a worry of yours.

Different signs and side effects of male pattern baldness incorporate diminishing hair on top of the scalp and the steady appearance of a bare spot, a building up dowager's pinnacle, or diffuse-spread male pattern baldness over the whole scalp. On the off chance that there's a family history of male or female example hair loss, it is liable to build your possibility of building up the condition. There are medications, in any case, that can counteract and even turn around the thinning up top procedure when it begins to wind up evident. Sparseness Prevention If you see any of the early signs and side effects recorded over, the initial move toward counteracting further male pattern baldness and conceivable hairlessness is to look for expert finding and suggestions from a medicinally prepared male pattern baldness master.

There are just two items that have been authorized by the MHRA and FDA-Approved for the counteractive action and treatment of male pattern baldness – finasteride 1mg and minoxidil. Joined at the right measurement, and with different hair development sponsors to suit the individual instance of male pattern baldness, a treatment program based around these items will avoid sparseness and regrow changing degrees of hair in the immense dominant part of cases. Male example hairlessness is by a long shot the most widely recognized condition that The Belgravia Center manages and every treatment system is produced for the individual, mulling over their phase of male pattern baldness, way of life, medicinal and family history variables. View many male pattern baldness examples of overcoming adversity to see the sort of results that are so every now and again experienced.

What Is Hair Fall?

What Is Hair Fall?

Hair fall is commonly referred to as losing one’s hair. Whether your hair is thinning, you are finding bald patches, or are experiencing standard male pattern baldness, there are various reasons for this happening and multiple ways to stop or reverse the damage. Nobody likes hair fall, and many try a wide variety of products and procedures to regain their lush head of hair. This article will explain some of the things you can do on your own before contacting a doctor for help.

What Causes Hair Fall?

The five main causes of losing your hair are aging, hormonal imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiency, or disorder. Other reasons can include an allergy to a hair care products or shampoo, certain prescription medications, chemotherapy and other medical treatments, and psychological disorders such as trichotillomania in which the patient pulls out his or her own hair.

For the vast majority of people, aging, hormones, stress, and nutrition cause hair fall and can also be dealt with and helped in order to stop it.

If the hair fall is associated with burning and itching of the scalp, you may have an allergy. If you have recently changed any products or started a new medication that should be considered of primary concern.

How Can You Stop Hair Fall?

No one can truly reverse aging, but maintaining optimum health as you get older helps keep your hair healthy longer. In most cases, the hair loss associated with aging also has to do with nutrition, stress, and hormones. If all of those things are in line, you will be less likely to have thinning hair or male pattern baldness as you age.

Hormones, including testosterone and estrogen levels, have a lot to do with how thick your hair is. Another common problem is the hormones created by your thyroid. If this gland is not operating correctly, you develop hypothyroidism. This causes hair fall in most cases. Luckily, it can easily be treated with hormone replacement and medication prescribed by your doctor.

Stress can cause hair loss either directly or because stress often interferes with other processes in the body that maintain optimum health. For example, stress is almost always associated with inflammation, which can increase the chances of your hair falling out in new hair growing as quickly. Tried to reduce stress in your life, practice meditation or mindfulness, and get some exercise.

Poor nutrition also contributes to hair fall and is probably one of the easiest ways to deal with it. A diet with too much sugar and simple carbohydrates messes with blood glucose levels, which can affect hair growth. Also, getting enough protein helps the keratin that your hair is made up of grow stronger. Vitamins D, B, and iron are also quite helpful to prevent hair fall.

Thousands of people struggle with hair fall and the embarrassment it can cause. No one wants to look older due to baldness or thinning hair. Using the proper products, getting hormone levels checked, and adopting healthy nutrition can all help prevent and reverse this issue.

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