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Can Gout be linked to Kidney Stones?


Can Gout be linked to Kidney Stones?

Associating gout and kidney stones is a issue many experience today. In the past, many individuals felt that if you are suffering from gout at any phase of your life, then you are likely to develop stones in your kidney at some time as well.

Why does gout get linked to kidney stones?

The two are linked together based on the fact that both originate due to the presence of high concentrations of uric acid in the blood. Moat people feel that gout can give rise to stones in the kidney later in your life, but at the same time, we find doctors and health care professionals also stating the same thing.

What are the causes behind the formation of gout?

In order to find out the exact reason behind what makes gout linked to stones in your kidneys, you should at first get an idea of what it takes to form gout in your body. Here are some of the factors:

Lifestyle: People who choose to lead a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to suffer from gout. On the other hand, alcohol consumption also stands in the way of uric acid expulsion from the body in a proper manner.

Medications: There are some particular types of medicines which are likely to increase the levels of uric acid in the blood.

Being overweight: If you are overweight, you stand more chances of getting hit by gout as the body then produces more uric acid.

High blood pressure: Hypertension may lead to more production of uric acid in the body thereby leading to gout.

Hypothyroidism:People suffering from hypothyroidism find it difficult to expel uric acid waste from the body and hence get attacked by gout.

Besides the mentioned factors above: age, sex, and genetics also play a major role in the formation of gout and kidney stones.

What are the symptoms of gout and kidney stones?

The symptoms of kidney stones are:

  • Pain in the lower part of back
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sudden chills
  • Blood in your urine
  • Nausea
  • Irritation in the urethra

The symptoms of gout include the following:

  • The pain starts from the big toe and spreads gradually to the knees, fingers, elbows, and fingers.
  • Swellings in the joints
  • Fever
  • Arthritis
  • Tender joints

What can we do to prevent gout and stones in the kidney?

There is always a solution to every problem and the problem of gout and kidney stones is not at all an exception. In order to make sure that these problems stay away from you, try adopting these measures:

  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Avoid alcohol, purine foods and food items that contain a lot of sodium content.
  • Indulge in exercises, but in a moderate form. Intense exercises on a regular basis can increase your chances of getting affected by uric acid.
  • You should also stay away from red meat and shellfish.
  • Go for a medical checkup every month.
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