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Wanting Children with Menopause Symptoms

Wanting Children with Menopause Symptoms

Menopause can anywhere from almost age 30 to age 58, and is a natural function of the female hormonal system. However going through menopause can complicate things for women especially if you want to have children. As women gradually move towards menopause and their hormonal system reduces its production, they worry that they are going to begin shrinking in height, acquire plumper figures, and their dermis gets wrinkles but this doesn’t always need to be the case. When childbearing age has passed, and there is no longer need for the body to produce estrogen for fertility, it reduces the rate of its production. One of the signs that show that estrogen level is being decreased is “hot flashes.” Lots of women experience these symptoms in a different way. Hot flashes mainly start when menstrual periods becomes sporadic, and intensify when periods stop. Some document that their scorching flashes are caused by using feelings, or even by a full bladder.

Menopause can start at any time, and it might come as a shock, most at times to women who do not fall into the age range. The typical age of the onset of menopause is somewhere between 48 and 53, however, sometimes it may start earlier, even earlier than the age of 40.

Some women starting menopause early may be shocked as they are still interested in having children. If you have started noticing the early symptoms of menopause, at an early age in life you may want to contact a specialized doctor to see if doing hormonal therapy can aid in preventing your premature menopause.

Throughout menopause, your body goes through quite a lot of changes, and these can bring about unwanted stress and pain. The need to cope with an array of menopause symptoms at the same time as the onset of childlessness can be a bit difficult for most women. Younger women are not expected to start menopause so early, and this makes them have a regular feeling that their youth is being taken away from them. In the event that they were planning on having children and so they start early menopause, it can be disappointing. During Menopause, women get to experience the following:

NIGHT SWEATS: Night sweats are categorized as extreme hot flashes that occur when one sleeps it is accompanied by severe bouts of sweating. Night time sweats are not genuinely a sleep disorder, however, a usual perspiration disorder that happens throughout sleep in menopausal women. These episodes of middle of the night sweating can vary in severity from mild to intense. It can be caused by hormonal imbalance combined with environmental causes.

IRREGULAR PERIOD: Most women will experience short or irregular periods at some point in their lives. A vast range of conditions can bring about irregular periods, although for the period of perimenopause the most common cause is a hormonal imbalance. Periods may just come earlier or later than usual. Also, bleeding may be heavier or lighter than what it used to be.

LOSS OF LIBIDO: Peaks and valleys in sexual desire are experienced by everyone, an ebb and flow in libido that might be caused by several factors. However, for women experiencing menopause, this unexpected drop in urge for sexual activity or intimacy can be a problem. In menopausal women, the primary reason for low sex drive is a hormonal imbalance.

VIRGINAL DRYNESS: Dryness in the Vagina occurs when the moist and tender feeling of the lining of the vagina is no longer available, bringing about symptoms equivalent to irritation and itchiness.

FATIGUE: Fatigue, one of the common menopause signs, is known to be an ongoing and chronic feeling of tiredness, weakness, and reduced energy levels, alternatively than just sleepiness or drowsiness. Other characteristics of fatigue are irritability and apathy.

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How to Eat to Improve Menopausal Symptoms?

How to eat to improve menopausal symptoms?

There are foods you should take and you should not take to improve and ease the menopause that can be presented as below. These foods will vary from a nation to nation, state to state, and region to region depending on the myths, traditions, cultural aspects and availability in the native market. However following are some of the general foods that are also considered to be the best that can improve the menopause.

During menopause you should have the best variety of foods that are also nutritious and healthy. Most of the time women’s diets are often low in iron and calcium which needs to be considered very much during this period of time. Calcium is essential during this period and thus make sure you have enough servings of dairy products and calcium rich food every day. Dairy foods are rich in calcium and thus having dairy products is recommended. Fish with bones such as salmon are considered to be great food to eat and improve the menopause. Iron is also important as mentioned earlier. Have at least three servings of iron rich meals a day. Iron is rich in meat, eggs and green vegetables. Therefore employ some of this iron rich food as well in your meal every day.  Fiber is also very important thus add some fiber rich food too in your meals. Fiber rich foods can be grain breads, cereals, pasta and rice that most of you like to have. A healthy diet with a balance of vitamins, calcium, iron and fiber will ease the menopause and improve it.

Fruits and vegetable can also benefit you in many ways. They contain the most precious vitamins, minerals and proteins that helps and improves your menopause. Therefore include more vegetables and fruits in your meals. They can also make you physically fit and make you healthy and strong. Having a balanced meal not only improves menopause but I can benefit you in many ways adding color to your life.

Not only food drinks are also important during the menopause as they can also help the process of improving the menopause. The best drink to have during menopause for improvement is pure water. Pure water is the best drink that can improve menopause as per the studies and researchers carried out by the experts. Thus drink water as plenty as you can. Make sure it is pure and clean. Clean water is also vital during this period. You can either use a water filter or boil the water and make it purify in the traditional way.

Have fruit juices without adding excessive sugar. Sugar can affect you badly and thus keep more sugar away. Avoid carbonated drinks and instant foods such as instant noodles, sauces,

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What are The Symptoms of Menopause

What are The Symptoms of Menopause

As a woman ages she will naturally experience menopause. Menopause marks the changes every woman will go through around the time that she stops menstruating. It indicates the end of the reproductive period in her life, and her ovaries will stop producing progesterone and estrogen. Usually menopause will begin sometime after 40, but if it comes on before the age of 40 it is known as premature menopause. Premature menopause could be the consequence of damaged ovaries, chemotherapy, or a hysterectomy.

When a woman goes through menopause she should be able to tell with some degree of ease, because the symptoms of menopause are fairly obvious. For some people menopause happens quite smoothly without too much unpleasantness or any complications. For some women, however, menopause can be a very difficult period and in some cases it may even become quite debilitation. These struggles may begin as early as premenopause and it could last the duration of years. A lowered production of estrogen and progesterone acts as something of an initiator for most symptoms a woman will experience.  These hormones both play important roles in many different functions in a woman’s body.

Estrogen is at work in many areas, including the brain, pelvic muscles, mucous membranes, hair, skin, breasts, bones, blood vessels, heart, urinary tract, and of course the reproductive system. Because estrogen is important in regulating so many areas it isn’t surprising that the entire body can experience symptoms pertaining to menopause.

The most renowned and common symptom of menopause is hot flashes. The majority of women who are going through premenopause will experience hot flashes. Specific hot flash symptoms will depend on each individual woman. A hot flash is a feeling of great warmth which may last 30 seconds or several minutes. It is also common to experience an increase in pulse and skin temperature, strong heart beat, and reddened skin.

Another important and tell-tale sign of menopause is changes in the menstrual cycle. This often means irregular periods that include bleeding that is lighter or heavier than normal. Periods may also last longer or shorter than they used to. If you haven’t had your period for a year but you start spotting, it may indicate a serious condition and you should see a doctor.

Estrogen affects the vaginal lining so women may experience vaginal changes. This could result in dryness or change in vaginal discharge as well as pain during intercourse, particularly for premenopausal women. Loss of libido is also common.

Frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and urinary tract infections are also common symptoms of menopause. Women may not have control over their bladder or experience a frequent need to urinate. Mood swings are another common and unpleasant symptom which accompanies menopause Women may also experience fatigue, hair loss or thinning, changes in the shape of breasts, insomnia and sleep disorders, trouble concentrating, weight gain, allergies, brittle nails, joint pain, headaches, burning tongue, tingling or itching, and muscle tension. Ultimately there are many ways that menopause may manifest itself and because every woman is unique it may be different for every individual.

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How to cope with Menopause Symptoms

How to cope with Menopause Symptoms

Menopause refers to a natural process in which a woman stops having her menstrual periods and is no longer able to get pregnant. The process marks the end of fertility for many women, and usually occurs at the age of 40 and above. In the United States, the average woman experiences menopause at the age of 51. It is a double edged sword, seeing that while many women are pleased and happy to no longer have to worry about getting pregnant at the wrong time, they will also have to deal with the symptoms of menopause.

Some of the physical symptoms that are associated with menopause include:

  • Vaginal dryness and dyspaerunia (pain during sexual intercourse)
  • Hot flashes
  • Sweating at night
  • Lack of sleep or difficulty in sleeping
  • Mood swings with cycling from depression to anxiety
  • Memory deficits and decreased attention span
  • Low libido
  • Weight gain

These are symptoms that may present at the onset of this natural process, or may be absent and only come years after. You will continue experiencing these symptoms for about four to five years on average. With the current advances that we have made in the medical field, there are many remedies and therapeutic procedures that can be performed to adequately deal with these symptoms so that you are not inconvenienced or burdened. Some of these measures include:

Hormone replacement therapy

During menopause, the levels of estrogen produced by the body gradually diminish, leading to the onset of many of the symptoms listed above. It therefore stands to reason that replacing estrogen in the body artificially will do away with most of the symptoms. As such, hormone replacement therapy using tablets, gels, implants and even skin patches play a valuable role in coping with the symptoms of menopause.

Creams and lubricants

Dryness in your lady parts can be effectively dealt with by the use of various vaginal creams and lubricants, some of which are available as over the counter medication. However, it is important to schedule a visit with your doctor first so that you can get advice on how to proceed.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Scheduling a visit with a psychiatrist or counselor may be of use in exploring and resolving the mood swings that are a staple of menopause. Cognitive behavioral therapy will assist in keeping your mood on an even keel, preventing the fall into depression or anxiety that is a real danger for women going through menopause.

Sticking to a healthy diet

Ensuring that you have a healthy, balanced diet will go a long way in mitigating the effects of menopause such as lack of sleep. Regular exercise has also been proven to be effective in dealing with some symptoms such as weight gain. Gaining a lot of weight is detrimental to your health as it may lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease (coronary artery disease) and diabetes.

Natural remedies

There are a variety of home remedies that have been passed down from one generation of women to the next. However, you should endeavor to clear these home remedies with your doctor so that you do not end up doing more harm than good.

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Are mood swings common during menopause?

Are mood swings common during menopause ?

One of the many ways in which a woman in menopause is affected is the erratic mood swings. Blame the estrogen levels in her body for that! As if the many physical implications and symptoms occurring in a woman aren’t enough, there are several emotion level changes that occur in a woman during menopause.

How menopause affects a woman emotionally?

In addition to mood swings, there are other emotional changes that occur in a woman too. It is like she is a state of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) all through her menopause period. Here are few other psychological changes that a woman might experience during her menopause:

  • Feeling sad for no known reason
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Short temper
  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Feeling demotivated
  • Getting tensed easily
  • Feeling weepy

These are just a few of the many possible emotional differences a woman might experience. It differs in different woman. The intensity of mood swings and emotional changes would all depend on her body type and how much her hormone levels sway.

Why do those mood swings occur?

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation. For the normal production and functioning of serotonin, there are few hormones that have to be produced at the required levels. Estrogen is one such hormone which plays a significant role in serotonin production. During menopause, several female hormones, estrogen, in particular, aren’t produced in the normal levels. In fact, the swaying levels of estrogen are responsible for mood swings in a woman during certain stages of pregnancy and PMS as well. When the estrogen levels go down in a woman, mood swings would occur. Hormonal imbalance is thus one main reason for those uncontrolled and unintentional psychological changes.

Though the hormonal factor plays the main role, there could be a number of additional reasons for those mood shifts. Age is another factor; normally women close to their 40-50 year age mark, accumulate and carry a lot of stress from the workplace as well as from home. Few even suffer from insomnia and other sleep disorders. Lack of the very essential sleep could also lead to mood swings.

Are all women prone to menopausal mood swings?

Few women experience mood swings of greater intensity while few remain totally unaffected. Age, health conditions, medical reasons, work and family environment, normal psychological traits of the woman and many more factors play a role in curbing or aggravating the mood swings. Women who are more vulnerable to psychological implications of menopause are those with:

  • History of mental trauma
  • Stress
  • Difficult relationships
  • Lifestyle habits like smoking, drinking
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Insomnia
  • Thyroid issues
  • Diabetes and other medical conditions

Even if menopause occurs too early or late than the normal age range, it might be more severe for the woman.

Coping with the mood swings:

As menopausal mood swings can have several causes, it would be better to have a healthy, active lifestyle to avoid those factors that can be controlled. Nothing much can be done about the hormonal imbalance, though. Here are a few things that the woman could do to cope with those mood swings before it gets the better of her:

  • Physical exercises
  • Yoga and meditation to calm the stressed out mind
  • Simple breathing techniques
  • A balanced and healthy diet
  • Stress control techniques

There are many more things that can be done so as to reduce the stress and control the environment that can increase chances of mood swings. So by focusing on eliminating the stress inducing elements and getting a good night’s sleep can help alleviate the menopausal mood swings.

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Hоw Tо Tеll If Yоu Arе Stаrtіng Mеnораuѕе

Hоw Tо Tеll If Yоu Arе Stаrtіng Mеnораuѕе

Bеgіnnіng at аrоund аgе 35, our hоrmоnеѕ gеnеrаllу begin to сhаngе — thоugh you рrоbаblу dоn’t notice any ѕуmрtоmѕ at all. At thіѕ tіmе, еѕtrоgеn bеgіnѕ a ѕlоw dесlіnе аnd progesterone bеgіnѕ a faster dесlіnе. But kеер іn mіnd, progesterone аnd еѕtrоgеn ratios mау іnсrеаѕе and/or dесrеаѕе bеfоrе thеу decline permanently. This аgе is when оvаrіаn fоllісlеѕ (соntаіnіng eggs) also bеgіn to fаll оff mоrе ԛuісklу. What we gеnеrаllу see in thеѕе уеаrѕ is that estrogen gоеѕ down mоrе ѕlоwlу thаn progesterone and therefore wе оftеn tіmеѕ hаvе аn imbalance іn the hоrmоnеѕ.

Bу thеіr mіd-fоrtіеѕ, mоѕt women have fеwеr fоllісlеѕ tо rеlеаѕе eggs during menstrual cycles. As a rеѕult, уоur body increases іtѕ еffоrt tо сrеаtе vіаblе еggѕ from the follicles bу increasing follicle stimulating hоrmоnе (FSH) using thе part оf the brain knоwn as thе pituitary glаnd. Eѕtrоgеn аnd progesterone ratios may bе in flux durіng thіѕ time as well.

Just аѕ оur bоdіеѕ take 10-12 уеаrѕ to еntеr рubеrtу and mаnу teens ѕkір реrіоdѕ оr have іrrеgulаr ones, there’s also a trаnѕіtіоn tіmе to rеасh thе еnd оf уоur реrіоdѕ. Thіѕ is whу mаnу wоmеn аrе confused about whether оr nоt thеу аrе іn mеnораuѕе — thеrе іѕ no brіght lіnе mаrkіng thе оnѕеt оf menopause. And уоu саn оnlу confirm уоu’rе in menopause when уоu lооk back аftеr іt’ѕ been 12 mоnthѕ ѕіnсе your lаѕt реrіоd. And very fеw оf uѕ keep trасk аt that point.

Dіѕѕесtіng a symptom: аnxіеtу

In addition to wеll-knоwn symptoms ѕuсh аѕ hоt flashes, night ѕwеаtѕ, and even vaginal drуnеѕѕ, there are many ѕurрrіѕіng mеnораuѕе and реrіmеnораuѕе ѕуmрtоmѕ. Onе оf the mоѕt remarkable ѕуmрtоmѕ іѕ аnxіеtу, thоugh women don’t often connect іt tо menopause оr thеіr hormones. Of recent, the mоѕt frеԛuеnt соmрlаіnt I hаvе іn mу раtіеntѕ іѕ thаt thеу аrе having increasing symptoms оf аnxіеtу аѕ they approach menopause.

Hоwеvеr, thе hоrmоnе рrоgеѕtеrоnе, whісh hеlрѕ рrераrе thе utеruѕ fоr a fertilized еgg, is also involved with a neurotransmitter in thе brain known аѕ, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric асіd). GABA іѕ a саlmіng neurotransmitter, helping us hаndlе stress аnd аnxіеtу. Aѕ progesterone levels drop durіng perimenopause, it саn lеаd tо an increased rеѕроnѕе tо stress аnd — mоrе anxiety. Mаnу women rеmеmbеr thе саlmіng fееlіng of hаvіng hіgh lеvеlѕ оf progesterone in рrеgnаnсу аnd thе calming еffесt іt hаd on thеm.

Unfоrtunаtеlу, there іѕ nо precise blood test tо ѕау whether you’re іn a perimenopausal ѕtаtе but thеrе іѕ gооd nеwѕ. Your рrасtіtіоnеr саn сhесk tо ѕее іf уоur FSH lеvеlѕ are rіѕіng, which makes іt likely, but nоt dеfіnіtіvе. According tо research, thеrе іѕ muсh hеlр thаt саn be оbtаіnеd frоm using hеrbѕ in the form of passionflower, ashwagandha аnd mоrе. Lеаrn mоrе аbоut реrіmеnораuѕе аnd еаrlу mеnораuѕе іn our many аrtісlеѕ оn these tорісѕ іn оur Mеnораuѕе and Perimenopause section.

Common perimenopause аnd menopause ѕуmрtоmѕ

Wоmеn may nоtісе аnу of thеѕе symptoms fіvе tо ten years before mеnораuѕе is official.

  • Irrеgulаr реrіоdѕ
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue/ lоѕѕ оf energy
  • Hot flashes аnd nіght ѕwеаtѕ
  • Forgetfulness or foggy thіnkіng
  • Thіnnіng hair оr hair lоѕѕ
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Jоіnt dіѕсоmfоrt /ѕtіffnеѕѕ/li>
  • Anxіеtу аnd/оr sadness
  • Irritability аnd/оr mооdіnеѕѕ
  • Wеіght gаіn еѕресіаllу аrоund thе wаіѕt аnd hірѕ
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