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Signs Your Neck Might Start Sagging

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity. One of the areas this is most apparent is the skin on the neck and under the chin, sometimes referred to as “turkey neck”. In most cases, a person will begin to notice their skin beginning to sag in their mid-40s, however, it is possible to occur earlier. While in many cases this is unavoidable due to the natural aging process, below are some signs to watch for that can increase your risk of the skin on your neck sagging.

  • Exposure to the Sun: It’s common knowledge that UV rays damage the elastin in our skin. This is just as true for the skin on your neck than anywhere else. People often miss their neck when applying sunscreen, it’s important to use at least SPF 30 on your face AND neck to avoid wrinkles and saggy skin caused by harmful UV rays.
  • Genetics: Family genetics can include things such as water retention and fat storage. Different people tend to store fat in different places and for some that area may be under their chin and neck. One way to see if a sagging neck may be in your future so you can take steps to avoid it is to look at your parents.
  • Weight Loss: When you gain weight, your skin expands to accommodate the extra baggage. If you lose weight, more specifically if you lose weight quickly, this will cause loose and saggy skin. To avoid this, if you are planning on losing weight try to do lose weight gradually and healthily.
  • Weight Gain: On the other hand, weight gain is the obvious culprit to point out. Regardless of your genetic disposition, excess weight will cause unwanted sagging in many areas, chin included. A sagging neck offers us yet another reason to maintain a good diet and exercise at least a few times a week.
  • Excessive Use of Smartphones or Tablets: Dr. Mervyn Patterson, a British cosmetic surgeon has coined the term “smartphone face” to describe the combination of sagging jowls and double chins that occurs from people constantly looking down at their phones. This has also been dubbed as “tech neck” by other researchers. “Smartphone face” really just comes down to gravity. When you look down the skin under your chin and on your neck bunches together and doing this too often increases the gravitational pull in that area. Looking down at our smartphones less is something we should all be trying to do anyway, Dr. Patterson gives us another good reason. Dr. Patterson’s article on “smartphone face” can be found here.What we can take away is that there are a variety of factors and signs that our necks might start sagging. Often, it is a little bit of everything that does the damage. By being aware of the above causes of a sagging neck we can reduce the chances it will happen to us.
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Saggy Neck Caused by Loose Tissue

Saggy neck caused by loose tissue

One of the most concerned parts of the body that people find annoying when it comes to the effect of aging is the neck. Like any other muscle in our body, our neck is supported by muscles as well. This tissues can get weaken with age and lose its elasticity of the early years. As we grow older the skin around the neck loses firmness and appears sagged, resulting in what is also referred to as turkey neck.

What causes neck tissues to loose?

Saggy neck skin occurs due to the breakdown of layers of muscles and connective tissue right underneath the neck skin. A particular layer called superficial fascia is the thin layer scaffolding that provides support for the skin. This layer is the binding structure that gives the skin its firmness. The cells within this fascia tissue are the one responsible for the production of collagen and elastin molecules that keep our skin supported and maintain its appearance. Problem occurs as we age, some of these cells die rapidly than the ones being produced. As the production of collagen becomes low, there will be less support for this part of the body and it results into sagging of the neck skin or turkey neck.

Another factor that greatly affects the breakdown of these collagen structures is our daily exposure to the sun. Apparently, the UV radiation from sun aggravates the aging process and causes the skin to sag.

How to prevent saggy neck

  • Apply moisturizer: Though aging is inevitable, but regular use of good moisturizer is one way to maintain skin and prevent early aging of the neck skin. Moisturizer helps to increase the production of collagen and elastin tissues needed for the skin to stay firm. There are products rich in silicone that can not only boost collagen production but also improve the neck skin appearance by firming it up. Seek the help of dermatologist to know the type of product best fit for your skin. There are moisturizers with a built in sunscreen that will provide a better result. Apply this moisturizer at the neck area regularly for effective result.
  • Drink water regularly: It is important to keep the skin hydrated and nourished to prevent sagging neck. Drinking just about enough water regularly will get you there. Taking water regularly is one of the natural ways to reduce the risk of saggy neck. It helps maintain elastin tissues and firm up the neck skin.
  • Avoid too much exposure to the sun: It Is no longer news the damaging effect of ultraviolet radiation on our body as it increases the process at which our skin age. It breaks down collagen and elastin tissues that help keep the skin firm. It is advisable to avoid or limit exposure to the sun as much as possible. Consider the use of sun protective wears such as a hat with wide brim, sunscreen, and umbrella when you are going out during the day.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking also contributes to the rapid aging of the skin by changing the blood flowing to your skin. Quitting or reducing the amount of stick you smoke might just be the help you needed to maintain or prevent your neck skin from sagging. Get appropriate help if you have difficulties quitting the smoking habit.
  • Take up a healthy diet: Eating healthily can contribute a lot to the maintenance of your skin. A balanced diet gives the skin enough nutrients that help to nourish our body and provide the firmness needed by the skin. Avoid taking much of junk foods and eat more of food rich in vitamin A such as fruits and vegetable. Meet your doctor to help you set-up a good diet plan that will help maintain your neck skin.
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What Causes Saggy Neck Skin?

What Causes Saggy Neck Skin?

As people age many tend to develop saggy neck skin, also coined “turkey neck,” which in and of itself is fairly self-explanatory. No one really wants to have saggy neck skin, yet it is just something that happens to quite a few people, especially as the effects of age begin to set in. One understandable question is, what causes this saggy neck skin to occur in the first place? Obviously age plays an important role, but there is more to it than just that.

Genes also determine a large part of exactly how and when you will age, and you can look to your mother as a fairly good indicator for how you will look at her age. As everyone gets older the elastin and collagen in the skin begin to decrease. They are both responsible for making skin firm and youthful looking. When collagen and elastin levels go down, sagging, wrinkles, and lines begin to appear. Aside from this, the skin will get thinner as you age. This causes the skin to be more translucent than before. The connective tissue on the neck becomes weak and stops being so elastic. This is another reason that neck skin begins to sag. Hormonal change may also play a role in saggy neck skin, specifically the changes that take place as an individual ages.

Aside from the most forceful reasons for neck skin sagging, genetics and aging, there are a variety of lifestyle choices and habits which factor into developing turkey neck. Stress, for one thing, can have a very negative impact on the body both on the inside and on the outside in terms of appearance. How you treat your skin and other environmental elements are also at play.

The sun is one of the next most dominant reasons that people’s skin show signs of aging. In fact, wrinkles are largely caused by UV light from the sun. Often the consequences of spending a lot of time in the sun without protection don’t fully express themselves until years later. What makes matters worse is that most people forget to put sun protection on their necks anyway.

Aside from the sun, artificial tanning beds often have the same effects because they emit UVB and UVA radiation. UVA adversely affects skin by suppressing the immune system, whereas UVA works by penetrating into the lower layers of skin. This is what causes premature aging. Tanning beds and similar devices have their places for treating conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis but should otherwise be avoided. Even in these cases it is important to have medical supervision.

Another important lifestyle decision which can affect the skin is smoking. Smoking inhibits the flow of oxygen, vitamins, and other nutrients that flow to the skin through the blood vessels. This is because smoking causes the vessels to narrow and this leads to signs of aging on the face and neck. There are a lot of treatments for saggy neck skin, the most effective but expensive are medical procedures like neck liposuction. Otherwise there are solutions such as moisturizers, skin firming lotions and creams, and other home remedies.

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Can Eating better reduce your saggy neck skin?

Can Eating better reduce your saggy neck skin?

In this day aged people are very beauty conscious. Even more so than they need be. Hence every nook and cranny is looked at when it comes to having the perfect body and image. People work out and maintain specific eating habits in order to keep the figure they want or attain the figure the desire. One of the main barriers when it comes to physical beauty is fat. Fat built up in the body is viewed as unhealthy and unattractive by most people. Fat is mainly built by lazy movements and habits that loosen the muscles and body fat. It also built by unhealthy eating habits that result in a lot of fat build up that eventually will lead to saggy skin all over your body. Hence it could be stated that saggy skin and fat build up is caused by lack of exercise and bad eating habits and foods. While this is true, the inverse must also be true when it comes to reducing fat and saggy skin. Therefore by eating healthier and doing more exercise, fat build up, and saggy skin should ideally reduce. Hence is there any truth to the claim that eating healthily can reduce saggy skin? Here we will be paying especially focus on eating habits and saggy skin around the neck area. This is due to the neck being the most visible of your body parts in public and most people are very concerned about the skin around their neck.

The cause for saggy skin is that as time goes on the collagen which is present in your skin will begin to break down. When the collagen breaks down, it will cause the skin to become loose and saggy. The same is true for elastin as this will reduce as well. Hence the best solution is to increase the amount of elastin and collagen in your body. This will result in the skin to tighten and eventually make it less saggy and loose. Food and exercise are naturally the best methods to combat this. Hence a healthy diet is vital. It will give the required elastin and collagen to reduce the saggy neck that you’ve always wanted rid of.

First let’s look at collagen and elastin intake in your body. The best way to increase collagen and elastin levels in your body is to take foods which are rich in vitamin C and vitamin E. these two vitamins are the most vital when it comes to collagen intake. It also promotes the buildup for elastin fibers. Hence foods such as fruits such as grape will aid in getting vitamin C. Vitamin E is present in foods such as almonds and sunflower seeds. The next most common consumable is green tea. This too will promote collagen and elastin build up which will eventually tighten your neck skin and reduce fat.

Hence it is clear that better eating habits will indeed reduce saggy neck skin. This is due to the increase of collagen and elastin levels in your body.

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Tips for a Younger Looking Neck

Tips for a Younger Looking Neck

Most beauty and anti-aging products tend to target the face and neglect the neck. It is easy to forget about this important area of the body, because many people get so distracted by the wrinkles on the face. Regardless of how youthful the face may look, however, if the neck showcases wrinkles and the infamous “turkey-neck,” age will still be betrayed. In fact, the skin on the neck is extremely thin, so often it is even more susceptible to damage than the face. Once you realize your skin needs some tender love and care, however, there are some things you can do to make your neck look younger.

One solution that could help the skin throughout the body are collagen supplements. These supplements should contain hyaluronic acid, and they work by helping the skin to stay more hydrated. Collagen supplements can even help fade the appearance of wrinkles on the face, and they should also be able to improve the health and vitality of the neck skin as well. The more collagen a person has in their skin, the more taut that skin will look as time passes. Obviously, this could mean quite a lot for the dreaded turkey neck. Collagen can also be applied to the neck directly with moisturizers and creams which contain it. Consuming more vitamin C is will also help to boost your collagen production.

Aside from age, the sun itself is responsible for the signs of aging because it causes most of the visible damages our skin experiences. Wrinkles and age spots are likely both affected by the sun, at least partially. When out in the sun many people easily forget to apply sunscreen to the neck, although you may remember places like the face and shoulders. Hats also protect the face but do not help the neck as much. This is an easy fix, all you have to do is add a fairly generous amount of sunscreen to your neck whenever you are going out into the sunlight.

Exercise is another method which can reduce and even reverse the signs of aging. If you stick to a healthy fitness regime it can cut years off your appearance. Aside from this, it also creates skin that is more elastic and thicker, and therefor much more youthful.

You can also learn to dress in ways which will draw attention away from the appearance of your neck. Wearing distracting patterns, ruffles, and long/layered necklaces are all good ways to attract focus to below the neck. Although you can try wearing chokers and necklaces, there is more appeal in drawing attention to your assets without obviously hiding your neck.

If you want to get rid of the problem right now there are quick fixes that are very effective, but they are somewhat expensive. If you haveloose skin or excess fat on the neck you can get neck liposuction. This is a medical procedure that should greatly enhance the youthfulness of the neck. If you have rolls or neck banding, botox injections are another option and they last about 4 months.

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Will Exеrсіѕеs Fix a Saggy Neck?

Will Exеrсіѕеs Fix a Saggy Neck

One оf the most obvious signs оf аgіng іѕ thе lасk оf fіrmnеѕѕ in thе ѕkіn. Aѕ wе аgе оur ѕkіn lоѕеѕ thе elasticity thаt іt had in оur уоungеr уеаrѕ, аnd thіѕ саuѕеѕ іt to become lооѕе аnd appear saggy. Thіѕ process is оftеn mоѕt obvious оn thе fасе аnd nесk. Althоugh уоu саnnоt turn bасk the hаndѕ of tіmе, уоu can bе proactive аnd trу different home аnd medical trеаtmеntѕ to tіghtеn уоur lооѕеnіng nесk ѕkіn.

Sеdеntаrу muscles gain fat and lоѕе tone. People соmmоnlу fосuѕ оn еxеrсіѕіng thе bоdу below thе nесk, but fасе аnd neck muѕсlеѕ аlѕо need еxеrсіѕе tо ѕtау fіt, firm and beautiful. Whіlе іt doesn't hарреn оvеrnіght, еxеrсіѕе саn hеlр you tо achieve a mоrе youthful appearance bу combating ѕаggіng and drooping nесk muѕсlеѕ аnd ѕkіn.

Sagging nесk ѕkіn саn bе rеаllу embarrassing. As уоu аgе уоu wіll nоtісе thаt thе ѕkіn оn уоur neck bеgіn tо become lооѕе. Thеrе аrе thоuѕаndѕ оf рrоduсtѕ аvаіlаblе оn thе market tоdау tо hеlр fіrm up ѕаggіng nесk ѕkіn, ѕаdlу mоѕt оf thеm dо nоt lіvе uр to thеіr сlаіm. A rеgulаr еxеrсіѕе routine аnd a gооd nесk firming сrеаm can help fіrm уоur nесk ѕkіn аnd gіvе іt mоrе еlаѕtісіtу.


Thеrе аrе mаnу еxеrсіѕеѕ thаt уоu can fоr уоur neck еxеrсіѕеѕ. Fоllоw thе dіrесtіоnѕ саrеfullу аnd do thе ѕuggеѕtеd rереtіtіоn. Cоntіnuе dоіng thе еxеrсіѕеѕ until уоu begin tо ѕее ѕоmе іmрrоvеmеnt іn уоur nесk ѕkіn. Nесk еxеrсіѕеѕ wіll аlѕо hеlр уоur сhіn аѕ wеll аnd whо knows thіѕ mіght juѕt іnѕріrе уоu tо ѕtаrt a rеgulаr еxеrсіѕе rоutіnе fоr уоur еntіrе bоdу.

Yоu саn ѕtrеtсh уоur nесk whіlе wоrkіng уоur jаw-lіnе thіѕ іѕ аn еxсеllеnt wау tо tіghtеn thе muѕсlеѕ аnd thе skin as wеll. Sіt wіth уоur bасk and tіlt your nесk bасkwаrd аnd сlоѕе уоur lірѕ аnd bеgіn tо kіѕѕ thе ceiling. Dо thіѕ ѕеvеrаl times durіng thе dау. Turn уоur head tо thе side with уоur сhіn оvеr уоur ѕhоuldеr, сlоѕе уоur lірѕ аnd mаkе a сhеwіng mоtіоn. Dо thіѕ for еасh ѕіdе аnd Rереаt 10 tіmеѕ еасh.

Chеwіng Gum: Although eating fatty fооdѕ соmmоnlу соntrіbutеѕ tо a double сhіn, chewing ѕugаrlеѕѕ gum саn actually help tighten аnd tоnе sagging nесk muscles аnd ѕkіn. Oреn and сlоѕе уоur jаw repeatedly іn a circular mоtіоn. Chew fоr 20 tо 30 ѕесоndѕ, ѕtор for 10 ѕесоndѕ аnd begin аgаіn. For ѕlоw but nоtісеаblе rеѕultѕ, perform the сhеwіng exercise аt least three tіmеѕ реr week.

Nесk rоllѕ nоt оnlу release muѕсlе tеnѕіоn, but аlѕо аѕѕіѕt in tоnіng thе nесk, thrоаt аnd сhіn. Tilt уоur chin toward your chest. Rotate уоur hеаd tо the left, rаіѕе іt uр toward the сеіlіng and dоwn tо the rіght іn a сіrсulаr fashion. As уоu fееl thе rеlеаѕе оf tеnѕіоn, wrіnklеѕ іn the throat area begin tо dіѕѕоlvе.

Drіnkіng lots оf wаtеr іѕ аlѕо a grеаt tо fіrm ѕаggіng nесk ѕkіn. Wаtеr kеерѕ уоur ѕkіn hуdrаtеd аnd helps mаіntаіn іtѕ еlаѕtісіtу. Whеn skin іѕ drу it lооѕеѕ іtѕ еlаѕtісіtу mаkіng іt mоrе dіffісult tо fіrm. It іѕ possible tо fіrm sagging nесk ѕkіn wіth dаіlу nесk еxеrсіѕеѕ аnd uѕіng аn еffесtіvе fіrmіng cream.

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Is Surgery for turkey Neck Skin Safe?

Is Surgery for turkey Neck Skin Safe?

Neck molding makes a firmer, smoother and more refined appearance to the neck and jaw. Indeed, even without rolling out whatever other improvements to the face, enhancing a thick, wrinkled or hanging neck can significantly enhance a one's appearance, helping a patient look years more youthful or even just as he or she has shed pounds. Neck shaping can likewise reestablish harmony to facial elements by giving a superior characterized jawline that casings whatever is left of the face.

Neck Contouring Options

Neck shaping isn't characterized by a surgical strategy, but instead the patient's tasteful objectives. A restorative specialist will utilize a totally distinctive surgical methodology for a patient who needs to reshape a full button versus a patient who needs to dispense with a drooping "turkey neck." Neck shaping can be executed as a solitary strategy, or be consolidated with other facial corrective surgery systems for more exhaustive upgrades.

Neck Liposuction

Do you feel that you have an unnecessarily full or "twofold button," notwithstanding being at a sound weight? Liposuction of the neck can accomplish better characterized, more elegant neck area by for all time.

Since liposuction evacuates overabundance fat, yet can't essentially enhance drooping skin, the run of the mill neck liposuction patient will be more youthful, his or her 20's through mid 50's, as more youthful patients normally have great skin flexibility, which is important for the skin to contract easily and equally after liposuction. Take in more about liposuction systems.

For most patients, neck liposuction is a genuinely snappy technique, and commonly it can be performed utilizing nearby anesthesia. Through 1 or 2 little cuts, hid underneath the button or behind the ears, a restorative specialist embed a little liposuction cannula, expelling abundance fat and chiseling a characteristic form to the jaw and neck. Taking after the strategy, patients regularly wear an extraordinary steady jaw strap for around 3 or 4 days, come back to work inside 1 week, and be prepared to come back to full movement after around 2 weeks. It is normal to experience some swelling and wounding after neck liposuction; this ought to determine amid the initial 10 to 14 days after surgery.

Contemplations and objectives with neck liposuction:

  • Enhances the presence of a "twofold button" or totality underneath the jaw
  • Refines the jawline to upgrade the jaw or convey equalization to facial elements
  • Patients with great skin tone will regularly see the best results
  • Can be joined with button expansion or rhinoplasty to further upgrade facial shapes
  • Results are lasting insofar as a patient keeps up a steady weight

Neck Lift Surgery

In the event that you are annoyed by listing, free skin on your neck, then a neck lift surgery technique, may give an answer. You may hear neck lift surgery alluded to as cervicoplasty (to expel overabundance skin) or platysmaplasty (to fix free neck muscles). Corrective specialists will perform either of these techniques to fix free neck muscles and expel overabundance, hanging skin, reestablishing a smoother, firmer, and better characterized appearance to the neck.

A neck lift methodology is ordinarily executed as an outpatient system under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Your restorative specialist will make a little cut behind every ear, and relying upon your requirements may likewise make a third little entry point underneath the jaw. Through these cuts, he or she will fix the neck muscles and/or basic tissues and evacuate abundance, hanging skin to reestablish a smoother, firmer, and more young appearance to the neck.

Recuperation time after a neck lift will rely on upon the person, and also the degree of surgery. Ordinarily, patients come back to every day exercises, including an arrival to work, inside 2 weeks after surgery. Anticipate that your neck will feel tight for a couple of weeks, and realize that wounding and swelling are typical. These impacts ought to die down progressively, with obvious wounding normally pursued the principal week, and that "tight" fondling staying for to a while. Your corrective specialist will give you with point by point directions to recuperation and aftercare.

Contemplations and objectives with neck lift surgery:

  • Diminishes or wipes out a "turkey neck" by expelling abundance, hanging skin
  • Smoothes out wrinkles and wrinkles all through the neck
  • Enhances the presence of vertical neck groups
  • Results are enduring and will age normally with a patient
  • Can be consolidated with a facelift for more exhaustive facial restoration
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Does A Neck cream get rid of saggy neck skin ?

Does A Neck cream get rid of saggy neck skin

Waking up and looking in the mirror in your 40’s may not be a good way to start your day if you are affected by saggy neck skin. This can make you feel frustrated and distressed about your beauty. No one wants to look older than they truly are, and no one wants their body to give away their true age. Neck creams are one way to help reduce the look of aging that forms on the neck.

Does a neck cream get rid of saggy neck skin? If it contains effective ingredients and has been shown to offer visible results, then it may offer effective results for you. It is advised to use a neck cream that has not been associated with negative side effects and may offer results in a few short weeks. Typically the manufacturer states when results may be seen or how long you should apply the product before discontinuing use of the product. Most products use similar application techniques, but it is important to review the directions section to ensure you are using the product as suggested.

Anti-aging skin care products for the neck are intended to help reduce the appearance of loose skin on the neck and décolleté. There are different texture options like serums, oils, lotions and creams. However, the most popular and widely used approach is a neck cream. That is because a neck cream is easily absorbed and does not promote sticky residue.

Neck creams are also popular because there are several that are intended for use under cosmetics. For many women, it is extremely important to find a product that can be worn under makeup because some women will not leave their house without any foundation or powder on. However, you may want to keep in mind that if you apply makeup before the cream has fully dried, it can leave blotchy spots on the skin, which will not look right.

For more information on ways to reduce the look of an unsightly turkey neck, refer to additional informational web-pages. These are available on other websites related to neck creams.

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Home Treatments for Saggy Neck Skin

Home Treatments for Saggy Neck Skin

The most common cause of sagging and flabby neck skin is aging. As we get older or growing toward  our old age with the passage of time, our skin loses its collagen, supportive muscles and elasticity, which are required to maintain firm and good looking skin. Exposure to  gravity, rapid weight loss, crash diets, smoking, and poor skin care habits can also play a part in saggy droopy neck skin.

Saggy neck skin is not permanent. There are some ways which can definitely improve the appearance of your skin and reduce sagginess that will  help to tighten your skin.


Exercise is a natural way to reduce sagging skin around the neck. It stretches the skin and strengthens the muscles. Cardiovascular exercises are essential for staying healthy. Exercise can increases your muscle mass. Bulking up can fill in the gap between your sagging skin and muscles and making it appear more youthful and taut.


Moisturize your skin regularly. Moisturizing helps to maintains your skins elasticity. Apply moisturizing creams on your neck and sweeping in an upward motion towards the chin can help to make your neck firm. Try to massage your neck upwards for 10 minutes, after cleansing your face and applying your moisturizing in the morning.


Tomatoes are acidic and do a wonderful job on your skin. Take tomato juice and massage it on your saggy skin in circular motion for 5 minutes. Rinse it after an hour. Use this method daily for a bright and tight skin.

Honey & Yogurt

Yogurt is an excellent source of protein. It is a good moisturizer and also contains nutrients. Honey helps to reduce wrinkles from skin. All these properties can tighten your skin. So take yogurt and add honey. Mix it well. Massage it on the saggy skin like a moisturizer. It will definitely work for you.


The amazing thing about cucumber is it gives refreshing and cool feeling to your skin. Grate a cucumber and apply it on your neck. It is one of the wonder remedies for sagging and loose neck skin.

Egg White

Egg white is a very stinky recipe for treating stagy skin. Take an egg white and whip it up with a few drops of lemon until it gets foamy. Apply this mask on the saggy skin and leave it for 15 minutes then wash it off.


Crush fresh ginger to extract juice from it. Add some honey to make a mask. Apply this over your skin and leave it to dry then wash it off. Do this 2 times in a week to experience a noticeable difference on your skin.


Lemon has a vitamin C and astringent properties which help to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin. Take a lemon juice and rub it gently on your face. Leave it for 10 minutes then wash it off. Do it two – three a day for better results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has a malic acid which improves the elasticity. Apply the Aloe Vera gel on a saggy skin. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. Do this remedy daily for best results.

Neck Creams

If DIYs aren’t your thing you can always try to use a cream, that is known to tighten the skin and give it moisture.

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Can creams really help saggy neck skin?

Can creams really help saggy neck skin?

We all come to a point where we suddenly become aware of just how much we’ve aged when we catch a glimpse of our saggy neck in the mirror. The neck ages just as quickly as the face does yet somehow has been left out of the skin cream revolution.

Not anymore, though, the beauty industry has gotten wise to our concerns about our neck area and now our favorite products are targeting our most delicate visible area. You could now have a firmer, tighter neck in no time.

Or, can you? Do creams really work? The majority of them are an expensive step to take.

What is needed for skin to stay looking young and firm is its own resilience and suppleness. When we’re young skin does that all by itself, but as we age it loses its ability to bounce back. In addition to age, there are plenty of environmental factors that can play a role in corrupting the aspects of your skin that keep it supple.

It’s for those reasons that the majority of creams are a waste of money, as they don’t have the ingredients that will actually firm and lift the skin. If a skincare product claims it can work just as effectively as a surgical procedure, it’s unlikely there will be any scientific research to back this up.

We sometimes forget how remarkable our skin is, it regenerates itself, on average, every 7 days. It protects our body from hazards, and while that protection continues through old age, our skin loses its capacity to retain its youthful luster. While you’re never going to look 18 again, you can keep your skin looking younger for longer.

So, don’t worry, all is not lost. There are a number of steps that you can take in order to make your skin look and feel younger, without going under the knife.

Sunscreen is the most valuable asset in your toolbox, experts across the world agree that sun damage is one of the biggest reasons that skin loses its flexibility. Apply SPF 30 when you leave the house, and make sure you cover your face, neck and chest. This helps fight the early signs of aging, and reduces the risk of skin cancer.

Choose skin care products that are packed with antioxidants and skin-restoring ingredients. It’s those ingredients that will help protect your skin from the environment, as well as work to renew the skin’s appearance.

Additionally, you can use a leave on salicylic acid (BHA), or an exfoliator that has glycolic acid (AHA) in it. There is no need to use both, one or the other should suffice.

Applying retinol and niacinamide topically can also transform your skin, these are super ingredients that reduce wrinkles, improve firmness and leave your skin looking youthful. When you consider the cost of a single Botox session (around $400 on average) selecting skin creams with the correct ingredients seems like a far more affordable option.


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How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem Because of a Saggy Neck

How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem Because of a Saggy Neck

Appearance can create a tremendous impact on your self-esteem. If you have a saggy neck, you might feel that you are not beautiful. It can take away self-esteem from you. This can bring a lot of frustration to your mind in the long run as well. Therefore, it is extremely important to figure out how to overcome low self-esteem that can take place because of a saggy neck.

Several methods are available for you to overcome low self-esteem that can take place because of your appearance. These methods would not force you to like the things about yourself that you don’t really like. Instead, they will assist you to understand and appreciate the things about yourself and your appearance. In other words, you would not try to fight against your saggy neck mentally.

The mirror technique is one of the convenient methods that you can follow in order to regain the self-esteem, which was lost due to a saggy neck. This is basically a form of an exercise. You just need to find a full length mirror to engage with this exercise. You can simply use the mirror in your car for this as well. You just need to make some private time and stand in front of it naked. You shouldn’t wear any makeup, complimentary lighting or anything else. After that you need to gaze over your body and face while making a mental note of your feelings that flow across the mind. You might find it as a difficult task to look at your saggy neck when compared to other parts of the body. It is completely natural to get such a feeling in your mind. However, you need to remember that nobody is perfect. Therefore, having a saggy neck cannot bring any negativity to your life. Therefore, you shouldn’t damage your self-esteem just because you have a saggy neck.

Plenty of exercises are also available for you to firm a saggy neck. Therefore, you should never feel down because you have a saggy neck. If you do a simple research on the internet, you will be able to discover a lot of people who have successfully got rid of the saggy neck through available exercises. If you go through such stories, you will be able to get some relief. Then you need to figure out the effective methods that are available to firm the neck. However, these exercises are not in a position to deliver overnight results and you need to stay committed until you see desired results. If you stay committed, your low self-esteem would definitely vanish after some time.

Unfortunately, most of the people who have a saggy neck refuse to accept it as a part of the body. If you learn how to accept and absorb these things, you will get the opportunity to get rid of low self-esteem in an effective manner.

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How to Manage Saggy Neck Skin

How to Manage Saggy Neck Skin

The sedentary muscles in your body would lose tone when they gain fat. On the other hand, people don’t pay attention towards neck exercises during their regular workouts. As a result, you will have to experience a saggy neck after some time. This is not the only reason behind saggy neck. Sometimes, hormones in your body can also give a saggy neck to you. Unfortunately, having a saggy neck can create a tremendous impact on your personal outlook. As a result, people who have saggy necks suffer from low self-esteem.

It is completely natural to feel low self-esteem due to a saggy neck. Fortunately, several effective methods are available for you to overcome low self-esteem that can happen because of a saggy neck. However, you need to keep in mind that it is not possible to firm your saggy neck overnight. You need to stay committed and follow the below-mentioned methods as advised until you get desired results.

Health experts have found a direct relationship in between saggy neck and obesity. If you can get rid of obesity, you will find it as an easy task to get rid of the saggy neck as well. In order to do that, you should consume a sensible diet and take necessary measures in order to maintain your body weight within a healthy range. You should try to include more and fresher fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, brown rice, whole grains and fat free dairy products in your meals. In addition, it is better to consume beans, nuts, poultry, fish and lean protein on a regular basis. In the meantime, you need to stay away from food items that are rich in cholesterol, salt, sugar, trans and saturated fats.

Targeted exercises can also assist you to get back the firmness of the neck. A variety of targeted exercises are available for the individuals who want to get a firm neck. Head tilt is a prominent workout out of them. In order to engage with head tilt you should sit in a chair upright with your mouth closed. Then you should tilt the head back as far as possible. You would feel a stretch in the front of your neck when you engage with this exercise. You need to stretch and hold your head for about 10 seconds in order to experience the best results. Then you can simply return the head back to its starting point. Repeating this for about 10 times on a daily basis will assist you to get desired results within a short period of time.

Moreover, you should include neck-care regimen into your daily facial skincare regimen. You can use the sale moisturizing and cleansing products on your neck in order to prevent the dryness and get rid of sagginess. However, you need to be careful enough to use upward strokes when applying the moisturizer to achieve best results. These methods can assist you to firm your neck skin and boost self-esteem.

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