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Can You Stop a Scar Before It Forms?

Can You Stop a Scar Before It Forms?

Some people where there scars like badges of honor on their skin, a roadmap that shows the troubles they have gone through in their life and the injuries they received. However, the vast majority of people do not want unattractive scars marring their skin. There are many products and cosmetic procedures designed to help minimize the appearance of scars after they form. Your best defense against having these unsightly marks is to stop scars from forming in the first place.

Can You Stop a Scar Before it Forms?

The most honest answer to this question is “sometimes.” So many factors go into scar formation such as the type of skin you have, your overall health, the position, size, and shape of the wound, and more. Smaller wounds are less likely to scar, which makes it easier to prevent scars from forming. Some large wounds may scar no matter what preventative measures you take.

What to Do To Prevent Scars When You Are Wounded

From the moment you get a cut, puncture, or burn, you must take action to prevent the future formation of scars if you do not want one. Of course, tending to the wound is the most important thing to do so you do not bleed excessively or get an infection. The same things you do to achieve these goals also help prevent scarring in the long run.

Follow these steps to stop a scar before it forms:

  • Clean out the wound with water and mild soap right away. Do not use hydrogen peroxide as this can kill healthy cells near the wound and dry out your skin too much for proper healing. Proper cleaning is necessary to not only get debris and bacteria out of the wound but also to discourage scar formation.
  • Use proper antibiotic ointment. This is the essential for killing bacteria and preventing infection, but can also help prevent scarring as well. This is mostly because of the moisturizing properties and the protection that this ointment provides to the new developing skin cells. Some people say you can put petroleum jelly over the wound to keep it moist, but it is not an ideal option for keeping it healthy as well.
  • Cover the wound tightly. Again, this helps keep the cut or scrape clean. A bandage that is reasonably tight but does not interfere with circulation or cause numbness or discomfort will actually help it heal smoothly because the new cells and collagen working to repair your skin will not have space to bump up.
  • Protect and nurture the new skin properly. The first protection of the wound has is a scab. This is the body’s own bandage and should never be picked off if you want your wound to heal without scarring. After it falls off naturally, gently massage or rub the new skin to prevent thick collagen buildup. Also, always use sunscreen on the scar to stop it from becoming more obvious.

With proper care of your cuts and scrapes, you can minimize the chances of developing an unsightly scar. If these steps do not work, you can always consult your dermatologist.

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Best Scar Treatments of 2016

Best Scar Treatments of 2016

Although scar cannot be removed completely, but there are lots of treatments that can reduce or improve scar look and make it less obvious. However, the effectiveness of each treatment varies and depends on the size and type of the scars. For better result, most scar treatments must be performed during scars maturation process_ when the scar started to heal.

Some of the most common and effective scars treatments include.

Silicone sheets or gels

This type of scars treatment should be applied on a healing skin and not open wounds. The silicone sheets or gels can be place or message on the scars surface, it acts like a thin layer of skin that cover the scar to keep it hydrated and moisture, which help reduce redness and minimize the development of hypertrophic or keloid scars. There are lots of Silicone sheets or gels based scar treatment products, available in some pharmacies and you can also ask dermatologist or pharmacist to recommend the silicone-based scar treatments that will be best for your situation.

Corticosteroid injections

This is a type of injections made to the scar to flatten and reduce any swelling on the scar. The dosage and duration of this treatment depend on the type of scar, the treatment sometimes takes several months with the injections giving at an interval of four- to six-week. Corticosteroid injections are often used to treat some hypertrophic and keloid scars.

Skin needling

This is a small device, mostly in hand-held roller covered in hundreds of tiny titanium made micro-needles which is run over the skin to cause pin prick wounds that will trigger the production of new collagen. This scar treatment method needs to be repeated in 5 to 6 weeks interval to achieve an effect improvement.

Dermal fillers

This is another scar treatment injection which involves injecting a man-made acid to plump up any pitted scars. This type of scar treatment is not for all type of scar and can be expensive. Plus the treatment is usually temporary and the process needs to be repeated routinely to maintain the effect.

Scars and skin cream

There is some special cream made with some active ingredients that can be effective on scars, cream containing Vitamin E are sometimes recommended for self-management of scars but they might not work on more prominent scars.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is a more advance scar treatment, it works with a CO2 fractional laser light delivering thousands of tiny and precise pulses to the skin. The pulses of light are use to target the blood vessels scar excess tissue to reduce the redness. Laser surgery can also be used on some pitted scars to make the scar flatter and heal faster. Laser surgery involves stimulating collagen production in the deeper layers by using a laser to remove the top skin layers.

Laser treatments are extremely powerful and can be risky, it is important to make sure that your Laser treatment is done by qualified doctor or fully trained medical practitioner with properly experience in using laser to improve scars. Improperly use can cause severe damage to the skin or complication.

Surgery for scars

Surgery can be the best option to treat scars that come with complication. Surgery can be used to change the positioning, shape and width of the scar. And can also be used to release a tight scar closer to a joint that might restrict movement.

Make-up for scars

Cosmetic camouflage is another option for scar treatment, scars can be covered up by applying make-up on them, particularly facial scars. There are also Camouflage make-ups specially made for covering up scars, they are mostly waterproof and can last for days. Scar Camouflage make-ups are available at most pharmacies.

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Facial Fillers to Reduce Acne Scars

Facial Fillers to Reduce Acne Scars

For some, acne only brought an unpleasant pimple or two during the teen years. For others, acne blemishes were an on-going threat to appearance and confidence. Even if the pimples themselves were left in the past, the acne scars can remain to remind you of the times you were ostracized or bullied because of your bad complexion. Now, those scars can also be a thing of the past with special procedures that use facial fillers to reduce their appearance and give you a smoother and more attractive appearance.

What Are Acne Scars?

For people who suffered drastically with acne in their younger years, the pain may not go away as they leave puberty behind and become an adult. Now, instead of pimples and blemishes, they have scars and pits on their cheeks, chin, jawline, and forehead. Acne scars are categorized into various types such as rolling, ice pick, and boxcar.

  • Rolling Acne Scars– These are long, relatively shallow scars that appear almost like waves of damaged skin. If you can gently pull your skin smooth with your fingers, this is probably the type of acne scars you have.
  • Ice Pick Scars– These show up as narrow and deep holes in your facial skin.
  • Boxcar Acne Scars– These are named because the scars are wide and deep with well-defined edges. They look like small boxes sunk into your face.

What Can Facial Fillers Do?

No matter what type of acne scars you have, facial fillers can help reduce their appearance and give you a smoother face. All facial fillers are injected by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. The most common types are called hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and come under a few brand names such as Juvederm and Restylane. Your doctor will probably have a favorite brand and let you know which one will work best for your particular scar situation.

This acid is naturally found in your skin and body. Injecting more of it into the skin around and under the acne scars helps them fill up and smooth out once again. This procedure is done in the office usually takes 1 to 2 hours depending on the amount of scarring you want to be filled. There may be some redness or swelling for a day or two, but soon you will be able to enjoy your smoother complexion.

The main problem with hyaluronic acid fillers is that they are not permanent. Because the gel-like material is natural, it does get reabsorbed into the body over time. Most acne scar fills last about a year. For the relatively affordable price of this procedure, a year of smooth cheeks and chin is worth it. A year of no shame and lack of self-confidence can certainly change your life.

There are more permanent and more expensive options in facial fillers that do not use hyaluronic acid. Instead, some inject collagen. This lasts a lot longer and also costs more, but the value may be worth it to you. No matter what product you choose or your doctor recommends, using facial fillers to reduce the appearance of acne scars can give you the smooth skin you always wanted. Leave behind the ugly reminder of teenage breakouts and step forward with new confidence.

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Diet of Vitamin E Help Scars

Diet of Vitamin E Help Scars

In the treatment of any type of skin ailments, the one nutrient you would always hear about is Vitamin E. Including vitamin E rich food items in your diet is essential to maintain an overall healthy skin. Most skin creams and skin treatment solutions have vitamin E as one of the main ingredients. So let’s see how important vitamin E is and how effectively it treats scars.

What does Vitamin E do in the body?

Most skin ailments are due to cell damage and the buildup of dead cells. The free radicals in the blood can react with the cells and cause their damage. Cell damage is eventually the reason behind skin problems and aging. Another big culprit that has a negative effect on the health of your skin is insufficient blood circulation or the insufficient supply of oxygen to the cells. Vitamin E helps the cells fight against the free radicals. It thus helps prevent cell damage. Vitamin E is also an important component required for the red blood cells (RBC) formation. RBCs are vital in oxygen distribution to the cells. Thus, Vitamin E plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy skin, repairing the damaged skin cells and preventing further cell damage.

Vitamin E creams- the hype:

There is an unwanted amount of focus given on how important vitamin E-infused creams are to help repair and rejuvenate your skin cells. But there has been no valid research to prove the same. Vitamin E, in ideal quantities, is indeed essential for the body to repair and prevent cell damage. But this should come mostly from your diet. Vitamin E oil or vitamin E rich creams and lotions aren’t really worth all the hype around them. How much of vitamin E really enters the blood from those creams and how effectively those creams work on the scars is totally dependent on the skin type and a lot of other factors as well.

Vitamin E diet:

Scars are formed in the areas where some damage occurs up to the inner layers of the skin. Vitamin E doesn’t really help in making the scars vanish quickly. It can, however, help in preventing further cell degeneration. As we had already seen, it can also improve the blood circulation and keep the skin healthy. This is important because the skin in the area of the scars is more exposed and thus the skin under the scars is more vulnerable to damage. As the external application of vitamin E isn’t really a proven method to heal scars, and as it can sometimes have adverse effects on the sensitive skin, it is advisable to instead follow a vitamin E rich diet.

Here are a few food items that are rich sources of vitamin E:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Peanut butter
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds
  • Broccoli
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes

Remember, however, to maintain a healthy mix of all the required nutrients by following a balanced diet. Vitamin E, when present in the required proportions in your diet, can help in gradually healing repaired skin. Thus, it can, to some extent, reduce the visibility of scars and can prevent further cell damage.

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Laser Scar Removal

Laser Scar Removal

Compared to other conventional treatments and home solutions, laser scar removal is a bit pricey but very effective in terms of removing scars on your skin. It is not often that people show off scars in the same way they would medals. In fact, most people would prefer to hide scars but only reveal them secretly to their loved ones. It is something that can lower your esteem if it is revealed to someone you did not want to see. However, a scar is something you cannot wish away and expect it to disappear. There are solutions to it.

Identifying a Scar

Specialists in skin care often advise that you to know the kind of scar that you have. Hearing a dermatologist talk about scars, you will realize that there are different types of scars which can be differentiated on the basis of their size, texture or color.

Keloid Scar

This type of scar cause a lot of itching and painful to the touch. It normally comes about as a result of injury to the body. The skin around the injured spot can be oversensitive during the time of healing. So a big scar can take the time to heal especially if it is interfered with every so often. Such examples include piercings and severe burns. The resulting acne may cause what develops into keloid scars.


This category of scars afflicts someone who has suffered deep burns. Burns usually cause the skin to pull and tighten thereby distorting the skin around the affected area. Depending on the severity of the burn, the scar may extend into the adjacent muscles as well.


Scars in this category are quite similar in appearance to keloids. Hypertrophic scars may take time but they do heal considerably. This category of scars occurs due to burns as well as surgical marks.

Acne Scars

Acne scars can be deep and tend to affect one’s psyche. Although many scars that occur due acne many not be as deep, they cause wavy-like shapes around the affected part of the skin.


Many ointments, gels, and creams claim to heal scars completely from your body. You would be better informed by consulting a dermatologist on how best to remove scars on your body. Commercial products that are available in the marketplace can entice you with outrageous claims so; you need to be very cautious and make an informed choice every time before you make a purchase. Approach a dermatologist near you so he/she can advise on the right laser therapy for you.

Laser technology has over the years been used to treat various types of scars including skin abrasions successfully. One of the methods employed in laser treatment in recent times is carbon dioxide laser or better known simply as skin resurfacing. It employs ultra-high pulsed laser beam that’s focused on the affected tissue and by doing so, help to eradicate the damaged part of the skin. This technique is also very effective in eliminating warts, birthmarks, and wrinkles.

In the case of severe acne, most people prefer YAG laser treatment. YAG laser treatment also involves using pulsed laser beam to remove deep rooted acne scars. With all the available laser treatment options, you need not be discouraged by a nasty scar on your skin. Most laser therapies are safe and effective. Try it.

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Using Honey For Your Scars

Using Honey For Your Scars

Throughout the passage of time there have been many methods of treatment for different health issues that have been questioned time and time again. From ancient civilizations to modern medicine, the most accessible method of treatment is by using natural methods which are readily available in the environment around us. From ancient times people experimented and came up with ways in which to heal. Even today some of these ways still remain as the best method of treatment. Even though modern medicine has replaced most traditional methods, there are still some natural applications that are useful even today. One such natural ingredient could be named as honey. Honey has been widely used in many cultures across the world and is still used. But does it really help? Honey has been used for several medical issues. But the main focus here would be the use of honey when it comes to healing scars. What does honey have that make it different to any other type of ingredient which is similar? And how do you apply honey in the treatment of scars successfully if in case honey does actually help. It is important to note right off the bat that not all types of honey will suit you in this purpose. Hence it is vital that you consult your doctor before applying any type of honey. This is due to the fact that the honey you buy from grocery stores are processed and filtered for taste, longevity etc. and these will not do. It is better to get natural honey which is not processed or tampered with. Raw honey is the best type of honey when it comes to medical uses.

Honey actually has a few benefits that are actually not a myth. What honey does is that it stimulates the process by which healing takes place. By stimulating the healing process, what it does is that it speeds up tissue regeneration. Hence this makes it effective when it comes to the treatment of scars and wounds. Honey is actually a natural moisturizer which is why it is very helpful in the treatment of scars as most moisturizers are. Hence honey could be used when treating several wounds and scars. But it is important to identify that further research and testing is yet to be done when it comes to the healing properties of honey. Hence it should be used carefully.

It is relatively easy to use honey to treat your scars. The recommended and average method being used is to take two tablespoons of honey and mix it with one tablespoon of olive oil. This mixture should then be applied to the area where the scar exists. This will soften the skin and at the same time it will speed up the healing process.

Hence honey does have its uses when it comes to the healing of scars. It is no myth that honey has some special properties that aid in this regard. But it should be noted that application should be done carefully and under the advice of a medical professional.

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What Works Best on Scars ?

What Works Best on Scars

There are several options out there that have shown success when it comes to reducing the look and feel of scars. These options are available in treatments that are performed by a professional and then products that can be purchased without a doctor’s knowledge or professional help. These would be considered cosmetic topical products like gels, serums, creams, oils and pads.

Scar treatment options include:

Laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and cryosurgery. However, these are performed in a spa or Dermatology office by an individual who has been trained and practiced these treatments before.

Treatment approaches are often expensive because they can cost hundreds of dollars and a series of treatments are needed in order to achieve maximum results. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars, you can look for a more affordable approach that can still offer visible results in a few months.

Products like scar creams and scar gels are effective as well when comprised of a high quality ingredient formula. Products that contain 100% silicone are suggested for use, as the ingredient silicone when undiluted is highly safe and effective when it comes to minimizing the look of scars. You can look for silicone products on the web. Be sure to review the ingredient list to make sure no added ingredients are in the formula. Also, you can find silicone scar gels that retail for less than $50 online and come in a one month supply. Use the product as directed in order to achieve maximum results and to reduce negative side effects from happening.

Silicone scar sheets are a new invention that has had success in minimizing the look of scars. They can be cut to your scar type and can adhere to almost all areas of the body that have been affected by a scar. These sheets can be found online, but make sure the product contains 100% silicone based ingredients as silicone when undiluted has been shown effective. The good thing about a sheet is that it can be worn under garments and offers comforting characteristics. Also, most of the sheets are stretchable and do not leave an odor.

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