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Does smoking change your DNA?

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Does smoking change your DNA?

It is a known fact that smoking is bad for your health and can damage a lot of organs in your body but do you know that smoking also changes your DNA? Well, it does. We are not talking about altering genetic code or genetic modification that will give you some special abilities; we are talking about the genetic damage that will increase your chance of developing cancer and other variety of dreadful diseases.

Generally, smoking alters thousands of genes in the body, while some of this genetic damage may fade over time_ years after quitting; some genes alteration takes decades to recover if the damages are not permanent.

Although it was once believed that we were born with a fixed set of genes and these genes cannot be altered but According to a recent study made by scientist, DNA changes has been identified in our body through a process called Methylation. Methylation is one of the mechanisms that are responsible for how our genes are expressed and how those genes expressions affect our health.

This genetic Methylation is responsible for some development of health conditions. Environment and live style are part of the factors that always impact the way genes Methylation occur, in some cases, Methylation can turn on or off some genes which as a result have health implications on the body and will effectively change how the body responds to the change.

Smoking Affects DNA Methylation

Researchers now found that smoking changes DNA Methylation. According to Dr. Stephanie London research on DNA methylation, they found that smokers had a pattern of DNA methylation changes which affects thousands of genes. Methylation can turn on, or off some genes and alter how they function and their expression. Some of these changes in the genes expression from methylation have been linked to both the development of cancers, cardiovascular disease and other forms of smoking related diseases.

According to the study, some of these changes in the DNA caused by smoking will disappear within the period of five years after quitting but some DNA Methylation effect can last for decades. Effect of DNA Methylation on gene like TIAM2 which is associated with lymphoma can persist for 30 years or more.

Smoking can also affect DNA Methylation of a child if exposure prenatally to a cigarette. The effect of this DNA methylation always surface has the child grows to adulthood. Although, smoking during pregnancy has been well known to affect the baby, but the recent study shows that prenatal cigarette exposure also has long-term health conditions for the baby due to the genetic alteration from the exposure. Child postnatal exposure to cigarette can increase their risk of behavioral and developmental problems.

Dr. Stephanie London research is able to uncover the fact that Smoking Changes Your DNA and Increases Your Risk of Disease, but further study is ongoing in DNA methylation and the research are focused on understanding the amount of damage and the level of consequences the damage to the DNA can have on the body.

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Smokers More Likely To Get ED

Smoker More Likely To Get ED

Multiple scientific research studies, including a recent one from the American Heart Association, have found a direct correlation between smoking and erectile dysfunction. Men who wish to maintain an active and healthy sex life should put down the cigarettes, cigars, and pipe.

Although a long list of health problems comes from smoking, perhaps the inability to please your significant other will finally give you the impetus you need to quit. Of all the problems associated with men's health these days, erectile dysfunction or ED tops the list.

What Is The Common Problem?

The ability to get and maintain an erection is primarily associated with blood flow. Proper cardiovascular health is very helpful in the prevention of ED. Any type of heart disease, hardening of the arteries, inflammation, irritation of blood vessel walls, and clots can affect the blood's ability to get where it needs to go. This fact is demonstrated easily by recognizing that the popular ED medication Viagra was originally a heart medicine designed to improve blood flow.

Besides unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and aging, cigarette or any type of smoking directly contributes to heart disease and all the above-mentioned problems. If smoking reduces the ability of blood to flow smoothly through all the veins and arteries in your body, it also reduces the ability of it to cause an erection to form and last as you want it to.

Can Smokers Prevent ED?

The number one recommendation to combat erectile dysfunction associated with circulatory problems caused by smoking is to quit smoking. There are no health benefits to being a smoker and plenty of serious and unpleasant problems associated with it. If you wish to quit for overall health or more vigor in the bedroom, talk to your doctor or search for quit smoking tips online.

If you choose to smoke or during the struggle to quit, you can decrease the likelihood that you will experience ED in other ways. Because you are doing something so interest your body, you will have to try to counteract the problem by eating an exceptionally nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly. These will help to maintain or regain a healthy circulatory system and help prevent erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction or ED is often the impetus men need to make changes in their lifestyle. Too many push aside thoughts of heart disease or lung damage because they cannot see and feel the problem. However, when their love life is impeded and their spouse or significant other finds less satisfaction and more frustration, changes could be easier to make.

If you suffer from this frustrating and embarrassing condition, talk to your doctor about all the options available to you. However, if you eat an unhealthy diet and especially if you smoke, you might want to consider changing your bad habits before reaching for a pill. Time and time again, studies show that smokers are more likely to get ED. Stopping that behavior can allow you to return to sexual health and satisfaction or quickly.

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Does Smoking Make you Age?

Does Smoking Make you Age?

Smokers basically inhale the smoke of a substance or most commonly tobacco, which gets assimilated in the blood vessels. There are several evident signs which start appearing due to smoking. Smoking is a habit which starts with a puff during the teens. Which eventually builds up from once a day to a pack thereafter. The playful puff once has now become a lifeline, without which an individual does not get a kick. This so called kick is actually throwing life out of you.

Effects on External Self

First sign would be the skin tone, which starts fading gradually, the smokers generally appear pale when compared to a non-smoker. Their texture would have uneven coloring. Another most early sign is wrinkles and sagging skin. The reason for this is the loss of collagen and rigidity in the skin. In fact, passive smoking over long time causes the regenerative capability of skin to rupture.

Resultant Skin Effects

The resultant effect of these are other parts of the body like arms and breasts start dropping. Another easy detection is the vertical lines forming on and around the lips. There are other darker blotches which appear on the face and hands, giving clear signs that smoking makes you grow old very quickly.

External Organ Stimulus

Now from facial contour, we should move to other parts like teeth and gums. There is permanent dental damage, bad breath, gum diseases and high chances of tooth loss for puffers. The fingers holding the butt of cigarettes actually would be gifted with ugly nails and deformed skin. There is also very high chance of hair loss among men due to this nicotine roll. Recent researches have associated cataracts with tobacco, where any form of it can cause serious vision problems.

Various Skin Diseases Attack

Getting back to skin again as that determines primarily how you look. Other damages done by smoking are Psoriasis which causes scaly marks and patches on elbows, feet, hands and back. The patch may be of different colors ranging from white, red or silver. Lastly the ugliest addition to your face due to incessant puffing is crow’s feet like wrinkles near the eye.

Effects on Internal Organs

Monitoring the internal system we will observe that the bones becomes brittle and weak. The smokers suffer from heart disease and erectile dysfunction. The physical activity is greatly affected due to shortness of breath, poor blood circulation and very high heart rate. The carrying capacity of a healthy baby also reduces drastically resulting in reproductive problems. The females due to this habit may face an early menopause too.

Life threatening & Aging

Life-threatening effect of nicotine is oral cancer, lung cancer, and heart attacks. Hence smoking not only adds issues to skin, physical well-being but also corrodes a person from inside with diseases. Which in turn, results in aging process to accelerate as you start encountering issues much earlier in life than a normal healthy person who never smokes.

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Can Smoking Damage your DNA?

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Can Smoking Damage your DNA?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that cigarette smoking is responsible for about half a million deaths in the United States every year. The figure rises to an astonishing six million people annually if the entire planet is considered. Smoking has been implicated in many diseases of the human body, and its effects leave no cell of the body unscathed. New information gleaned from conducting scientific research on the effects of smoking have revealed that smoking has a long arm that can reach DNA, the hallowed genetic code that holds the secret to all life on earth.

The scientific study was conducted by scientists and researchers led by Roby Joehanese, a research scientist at Harvard Medical School and the Hebrew SeniorLife Institute for Aging Research. In their study, which examined blood samples from about sixteen thousand people, signatures in DNA resulting from tobacco use were identified and contributed to diseases such as heart disease and lung cancer.

The area of focus that the study was limited to was in DNA methylation and its effects in inducing cancer and other diseases in the body. DNA methylation is important because it is one of the ways in which the gene expression is controlled. Gene expression can be likened to military orders issued to field commanders from army headquarters. If gene expression is altered, cells that should have stopped growing and multiplying may continue to do so, thus triggering neoplasia. Neoplasia is the mechanism behind the development and spread of cancer in human beings.

By interfering with DNA methylation, smoking predisposes the individual to developing smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer. The study discovered that about one-third of known genes in smokers were altered in some way related to alterations in DNA methylation. What is even more surprising is the fact that most of these genes would retain these changes for at least five years. Other genes, for instance, the TIAM2 gene that has been associated with lymphoma (a cancerous disease of the lymph nodes and bone marrow that interferes with blood cell production) take as long as thirty years in order to return to normal.

As one of the biggest causes of preventable death all over the world, smoking has direct effects on multiple organs and organ systems in the human body. In the brain, cigarette smoking causes nicotine addiction, which is the principal reason why many people are unable to shake off their smoking habit. Tobacco use can lead to loss of hearing, loss of vision and oral problems such as sores and ulcers that will negatively affect your oral hygiene goals. By increasing cholesterol levels in blood, smoking will also cause undue pressure and stress on the heart, leading to increased blood pressure as well as coronary artery disease (itself a leading cause of death the world over).

The silver lining in the study that confirmed smoking’s effect on DNA is that the affected genes can be targeted for preventive and curative therapies for smoking-related diseases.

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Does Smoking Make You Age Quicker?

Does Smoking Make You Age Quicker?

You are already aware of how your heart and lungs are liable to smoking damage. Skin is also seriously harmed when you smoke. Smokers tend to age quicker than non-smokers. It can make you look old before your time,  but how does this happen? Why do individuals who smoke look older than non-smokers?

Smoking speeds up the maturing process of your skin, prompting untimely wrinkling.  Surprisingly this process does not take long to happen. In less than ten years of being a smoker, your skin starts to wrinkle. The more cigarettes you smoke the more wrinkling you will encounter.

Every year, smoking take lives of 5 million individuals around the world.

A large component to aging brought on by smoking is causes by the chemicals, each puff you inhale contains many chemicals that damage the cells in your body and can cause you to age rapidly. These are some dangerous chemicals that can be found in cigarettes:


Like any medication, nicotine can be extremely addictive. Nicotine is a stimulant that can increase your focus, Unlike other chemicals it doesn't have many other known side effects.  The addictive properties are greater than that of most other drugs.


Tar transports chemicals to your circulatory system. Tar builds up and gathers in your lungs, it can also cause your teeth to turn yellow. Tar is the main component to mouth and lung cancer and in the number one cause of lung tumors.


Acetone is a hazardous substance, it is the number one ingredient in nail polish removers. Acetone is additionally used to make plastic, drugs and different chemicals. Studies have found long term exposure to acetone can cause kidney and liver damage. Damaged liver and kidneys have been linked to rapid aging.


Mercury is a poison, that is easily absorbed through the skin; it attacks the central nervous system, and Mercury also harms the gums and teeth. Exposure to this metal can bring brain damage and death.

Smoking does not just cause wrinkles on the face or around the mouth.  The act of puffing cigarettes can prompt wrinkles on different parts of your body.  Smoking causes your skin to wrinkle due to the stress and harm the cigarettes cause to the veins in your skin. Veins are narrowed, constricting  the blood stream and keeping inadequate measures of oxygen from reaching our skin. Large portions of the poisons in cigarettes reduce the elasticity of your skin.

This process of rapid aging may not be reversible but can stopped, if one quits smoking. In the event that you have smoked for a shorter time frame and you have not experienced harm yet you can prevent the rapid aging and wrinkles it by quiting today. To enhance your skin's well being, and reduce the negative reactions of cigarettes, you might need to pick an all-natural strategy to help you avoid smoking or quit smoking.  Your skins condition will improve once you quit. You also will protect and prevent the endless other health risks connected with cigarette smoking.

The best regular strategy to stop smoking is called NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP works since it targets and prevents the craving to smoke, making quitting simple, and much less painful. On the off chance that you need to avoid smoking harm skin condition will enhance once you quit smoking with all normal NLP.

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