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Why Should I Use A Tear Stain Supplement On My Dog


Why Should I Use A Tear Stain Supplement On My Dog

Tired of using wipes several times a day to wash away those ugly looking stains around your dog’s eyes? That’s because it’s not addressing the leading cause of tear stains. Wipes are just intended to offer quick results, not long lasting results, since it is considered a tear stain remover. As soon as you spend 15 minutes scrubbing off the accumulated guck, a few hours later its already back. This would make a pet owner agitated and feel as if they wasted their time and money.

By using a tear stain supplement that is promoted to address tear stains, you can address the main causes that promote the development of eye stains. Many dog owners are unsure of why they should use a tear stain supplement on their dog. Some people feel these products do not offer true results and that they are a scam. However, some products are formulated with natural ingredients that have been designed to offer noticeable results.

There are several supplements on the market to choose from, so which tear stain product is the best? You will need to find one that contains non-harmful ingredients. Products that use Tylosin in its formula or a derivative of this ingredient are not recommended for use as this ingredient has been linked to negative side effects and can promote health issues in your dog or cat when used for extended periods of time.

You should use a supplement on your dog because some are marketed to diminish the look of existing eye stains and can help towards future stains. This will help your dogs coat look maintained as time goes on. Also, some products use a natural ingredient which makes it safe for daily use.

Be sure you review the product description on how to use the tear stain product. Each product is marketed differently, may contain different ingredients, so the usage details may vary. You will want to use the product as directed to obtain noticeable results and to keep your pet healthy and safe. Refer to sites similar to tear-stain-center.com to see how certain products should be used.

Angels Eyes For Dogs Review

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Angels Eyes For Dogs Reviewed 2016

When it comes to tear stain supplements there are a bunch of brands to choose from, but typically ones comes to mind. Most people know of the product Angels Eyes, but that does not mean they know the pros and cons of it. That is why detailed reviews are posted on the web for pet owners to read so they can get better knowledge and an understanding of the product. You can refer to sites similar to tear-stain-center.com or read about the product on this webpage. Just be sure you review the manufacturer site after reading nay review to make sure that the information provided is accurate and not misleading.

Angels eyes for dogs beef is still sold online by third party sites and it contains the ingredient Tylosin. Tylosin is an antibiotic that has only been approved for use in chicken, cattle and swine. This means that it is not approved for dietary supplements for tear stains in dogs or cats. Do not use products that contain this ingredient as it is not FDA Approved for dogs and it can be risky when used for a long period of time. Studies have shown that when you give a dog or cat Tylosin for prolonged period of time, they can become immune to it and it lowers its effects. In other cases it can make you pet have other symptoms like anorexia, pain and diarrhea.

When it comes to the price of this product it is affordable. It appears to be sold for less than $50 by third party sites. Products that cost more than %40 are highly expensive. However,  it appears that the manufacturer does not offer Buy 2, get 1 Free specials to help lower the cost of the product. Typically a single bottle can last one month and most manufacturers suggest that you use a product for 2-3 months to see maximum results. That is why a Buy 2, Get 1 Free special is the best deal. So look for products that are Tylosin -free and offer Buy 2, Get 1 Free specials.

Are your Best Friend’s Tear Stains A Cosmetic Problem ?


Cause for the stains in dogs

By naming Best Friend, we mean your dog. When you wondering here and there, have you ever observed how many dogs have got reddish brown staining in their fur lovely? It happens most generally where tears moisturize the fur nearby the dog’s eyes or over their mouth where saliva wets the fur as well as where they lick the feet and forelegs. Dog tear stains is kind of a normal and common cosmetic problem, particularly for dogs with white or light bright colored furs. Nevertheless, solving the issue may be more complex than basically buying a tear remover. Causes for this can vary from allergies to genetic disposition.

There is no. of causes why tear staining in dogs can happen, but rather than just being an ugly problem it can be just due to a core cause. If your doggie is having and suffering from kind of an irritation to their eye, tears are the usual response to try to level the problem away. It’s understood that too much tear production can be produced by poor diet, genetic disorder, disease, anxiety, an allergy, inadequate tear drainage or a mixture of these. Well-known to vets as epiphora, this is a problem for canines as the moisture around the eye is a great place for yeast to form and bacteria to breed.

Cause for the stains in dogs

These stains in dogs are caused by a biochemical called porphyrin.  Porphyrins are emitted primarily over bile and the intestinal tract, however in dogs a substantial amount of porphyrin is excreted over tears, saliva and as well as urine. Saliva and tears both contain ingredients called porphyrins, which pigment light fur pink, red or brown. These are a group of organic mixtures of which many occur naturally in nature. One of the best well-known porphyrins is hemi, this colorant in red blood cells. If you have constantly observed a white puppy that has been licking or chewing on his limb, the hair in that part will go iron-brown in color. The real reason for stains is the porphyrin in the saliva and tears.

Reasons for occurring stains in dogs

Some of the dogs create unnecessarily too much of tears – mainly for the reason that when humans revolved wolves into present best friend and family member, selective breeding generated short noses and expanded eyes that add to unusually narrow and every so often bent tear ducts.

When porphyrins continue to remain in contact with hair and fur, mainly in white fur coats, for any time, the organic stain grows. It is nearly impossible to get rid of it once it cultivates.

Seriousness of porphyrin

As luck would have it, porphyrin staining is a cosmetic problem and roots the dog no damage. Though, the fundamental or connective problem can be important. Eyelid irregularities may cause significant uneasiness. Extra salivation may be affected by oral uneasiness such as gum illness or dental difficulties. And for dogs that lick and scratch the faces, genitals, feet and armpits regularly are affected by various allergies that can root distress.

Brown Tear Stains On My Maltese- Is There A Way To Get Rid Of Them ?


Tear Stain Supplements

Light colored breeds like the Maltese are miniature breeds that you often see brown or red stains on their eyes. Brown tear stains on Maltese dogs are common and they may seem like an endless task to manage. However, there are a few at home remedies that can help you get rid of tear stains.

At home remedies can work for some Maltese, but the effects are often short-term. This is because it is intended to offer fast results, rather than sufficient results. Products that help remove stains are shampoos, bathing formulas and wipes. This is just a way to cleanse the fur so it appears clean. However, in a few short days your Maltese may get more brown eye stains.

Because tear stain accumulation is common and the effect of a tear stain remover is only temporary, an alternative has been made. This is known as a tear stain supplement. These supplements are often promoted for use on show dog breeds like Maltese, Shih-Tzu’s, Poodles and Pekinese. However, some are intended for additional breeds. But dogs are not the only ones that are a culprit of tear staining.

Cats can also develop stains, not just dogs. When it comes to cats, you will normally see it mostly in Persians. These breeds have shallow eye sockets and the tears can dry on the hair near the eyes. There are some products for use on both dogs and cats. Make sure the product is suitable for your breed and your pet’s weight. Some products claim they are for all breeds of dogs and cats.

Tear stain supplements that are promoted for all breeds are suggested for use. This makes it easier for a pet owner to know if a product is safe for their dog or cat, rather than guessing it is. Also, you will want to find a product that doesn’t have any side effects. Products that do not contain a form of Tylosin are good way to start. This ingredient can be potentially risky, which makes the products that use it a risky choice.

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